Archive-name: judaism/reading-lists/reform Posting-Frequency: Monthly Selected Sources for Additional Reading on Judaism Part IV: Reform Judaism [Last Change: $Date: 1993/06/08 18:00:30 $ $Revision: 2.1 $] [Last Post: Sun May 9 11:00:24 1993] "In keeping with the mitzvah of Talmud Torah... a Jewish home should have a library, and time should be set aside for the study of Torah" [GoM75] This message is intended to provide readers of soc.culture.jewish with a list of references to allow them to learn more about the current practices, past practices, beliefs, and history of the Reform Movement with Judaism. One of the four major movements within Judaism, the Reform or Liberal Movement (the term "Reform" seems to be more prevalent in the U.S.A., "Liberal" or "Progressive" elsewhere) began in the 1800's in Germany during the enlightenment. Adherents to Reform typically do not follow all of the ritual practices of their traditional bretheren; practices that are followed are chosen based on how they increase the sanctity of the follower's life. In the United States, there are two principal organizations involved with Reform Judaism: 1) The CCAR or Central Conference of American Rabbis. Its members are the body of rabbis who consider themselves and are considered to be the organized rabbinate of Reform Judaism. Its members consist of Reform Rabbis ordained at the Hebrew Union College (HUC), as well as Reform Rabbis ordained at liberal seminaries in Europe, and some rabbis who joined the Reform movement sometime subsequent to ordination (most of these were ordained either at the Conservative Jewish Theological Seminary or the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College). Note that not all HUC graduates are CCAR members; some leave for ideological reasons or because they have joined a different movement. The CCAR publishes a quarterly rabbinic journal called _CCAR Journal_; see the publications part of the reading list (XI) for ordering information. 2) The UAHC or Union of American Hebrew Congregations. Its members are Reform Synagogues throughout America. It provides congregational support for Reform Congregations, as well as affiliated organizations that support Progressive Judaism outside the USA; brotherhoods; sisterhoods; youth activities; Jewish education; temple administrators, etc. This list is organized as a digest; it may be successfully undigestified by programs such as "gnus". ------------------------------------------------------------ Subject: Where Can I Get These Books From? CCAR All books published by the CCAR are available through the Central Conference of American Rabbis. Call 212/684-4990 for an up-to-date catalog or to order. UAHC Press 838 Fifth Avenue/New York NY 10021 (212) 249-0100/(212) 734-2857 FAX World Union for 838 Fifth Avenue/New York NY 10021 Progressive Judaism ------------------------------------------------------------ Subject: Archival and Credits The list below is culled from suggestions on soc.culture.jewish, an additional reading list developed by R. A. Levene, and the author's personal experience. A large portion was based on "A Basic Library for The Jewish Home" in [Gom75]. "Netters" that have recommended books for the list or made suggestions include: Mark B. Novick, John Sadowsky, Rabbi Charles Arian, and others. All portions of the FAQ and of the reading lists are archived on [] in the directory: ~ftp/israel/lists/scj-faq They are available in the archives in the directory: pub/usenet/news.answers/judaism The following files make up the reading lists and are in the "reading-lists" subdirectory: general, traditional, chasidism, reform, conservative, reconstructionist, humanistic, zionism, antisemitism, intermarriage, periodicals. The following files make up the FAQ and are in the "FAQ" subdirectory: 01-FAQ-intro, 02-Who-We-Are, 03-Torah-Halacha, 04-Observance, 05-Worship, 06-Jewish-Thought, 07-Jews-As-Nation, 08-Israel, 09-Antisemitism, 10-Miscellaneous. The files may also be obtained via Email by sending a message to with the following line in the body of the message: send usenet/news.answers/judaism/(portionname) Where (portionname) is replaced by the appropriate subdirectory and filenames; for example, to get the first part of the reading list, one would say: send usenet/news.answers/judaism/reading-lists/general ------------------------------------------------------------ Subject: IV.1. REFORM BELIEFS [Bae58a] Baeck, Leo. _G@d and Man in Judaism_. UAHC, 1958. [Bor84] Borowitz, Eugene. _Liberal Judaism_. Union of American Hebrew Congregations Press. ISBN 08074-0264-8. 1984 [Coh48] Cohon, Samual S. _Judaism as a Way of Life_, UAHC Press, 1948. [Git??] Gittelsohn, Roland B. _The Extra Dimension: A Jewish View of Marriage_. UAHC. #168500. ISBN 0-8074-0170-6. [Sym??] Syme, Daniel B. _An Overview of Reform Judaism_. UAHC. #280020. ISBN 0-8074-0260-5. ------------------------------------------------------------ Subject: IV.2. REFORM RITUALS [GoM79] _Shaarei Mitzvah: Gates of Mitzvah, A Guide to the Jewish Life Cycle_. Central Conference of American Rabbis, 1979. ISBN 0-916694-37-2 Hardback, 0-916694-53-4 Pbk. [This book summarizes the Reform position on the life cycle events] [GoS83] _Shaarei Mo-Eid: Gates of the Seasons, A Guide to the Jewish Year_ CCAR. CCAR Press. ISBN 0-916694-92-5 Pbk 1983. [This book summarizes the Reform position on the year cycle events] [GoS91] _Shaarei Shabbat: Gates of Shabbat_. CCAR. CCAR Press. ISBN 0-88123-010-3. 1991. [This book provides Reform guidelines on Shabbat observance.] [Bar??] Barth, Lewis M. (ed.) _Berit Mila in the Reform Context_. UAHC #381631. [Bia71] Bial, Morrison D. _Liberal Judaism at Home_. UAHC. #383110 ISBN 0-8074-0075-0. 1971. [Sch69] Schauss, Hayyim. _The Jewish Festivals: From Their Beginnings to Our Day_. UAHC, 1969. [Sch50] Schauss, Hayyim. _The Lifetime of a Jew_. UAHC. 1950. [Sym??] Syme, Daniel B. _The Jewish Home: A Guide for Jewish Living_. UAHC #142614. ISBN 0-8074-0400-4. ------------------------------------------------------------ Subject: IV.3. REFORM LITURGY [GoP75] _Shaarei Tefila: Gates of Prayer: The New Union Prayerbook, Volume I_. Central Conference of American Rabbis. ISBN 0-916694-01-1. 1975. [Weekly prayerbook] [GoR78] _Shaarei Teshuva: Gates of Repentance: The New Union Prayerbook, Volume II_. Central Conference of American Rabbis. ISBN 0-916694-38-0. 1978. [High Holiday Prayerbook] [GoU77] _Shaarei Bina: Gates of Understanding, Volume I: Weekdays, Sabbaths, and Festivals_. Central Conference of American Rabbis. ISBN 0-916694-43-7. 1977. [Notes and source material for GoP] _Shaarei Bina: Gates of Understanding, Volume II: For the Days of Awe_. Central Conference of American Rabbis. ISBN 0-916694-84-4. 1977. [Notes and source material for GoR] [APH74] _A Passover Haggadah_. Central Conference of American Rabbis. ISBN 0-916694-05-4. 1974. [Pesach Siddur] [UPB47] _Union Prayer Book I and II_. Central Conference of American Rabbis. 1947. [The previous prayerbook. I corresponds to GoP; II to GoR.] There are a number of other liturgical books available from CCAR press (ISBN in []): Gates of Healing (for those in the hospital) [0-88123-005-7], Gates of Awe (for very young children) [0-88123-014-6], Haneirot Halalu: These Lights are Holy (Chanuka) [0-88123-006-5], Gates of the House [0-916694-35-6], Seder Tu Bisheval (for Tu B'Shevat) [0-88123-008-1], Gates of Wonder (for very young children) [0-88123-009-X], Six Days of Destruction (Yom HaShoah) [0-8091-2999-X], Gates of Song [8074-0406-3], Gates of Forgiveness (Selichot) [0-916694-74-7]. ------------------------------------------------------------ Subject: IV.4. REFORM RESPONSA [Baz??] Bazak, Jacob (compl, annot. and arranged by); Passamaneck, Stephen M. (trans., annot., and edited by). _Jewish Life and Jewish Law: Selected Rabbinical Responsa_. 8 vols. UAHC Press, New York Book 1: Lawyers, Judges and Legal Ethics (#390000) Books 2,3,4: Contracts, Real Estate, Sales, and Usury (#180211) Books 5,6: Credit, Law Enforcement, Taxation (#180212) Books 7,8: Criminal and Domestic Relations (#180213) [Fre44] Freehof, Solomon B. _Reform Jewish Practice and its Rabbinic Background_. Vols. I and II. UAHC, New York. [Fre60] Freehof, Solomon B., _Reform Responsa_. Hebrew Union College Press, Cincinnati, 1960. [Fre69] Freehof, Solomon B., _Current Reform Responsa_. Hebrew Union College Press, Cincinnati, 1969. [Fre74] Freehof, Solomon B., _Contemporary Reform Responsa_. Hebrew Union College Press, Cincinnati, 1960. [Fre77] Freehof, Solomon B., _Reform Responsa for our Time_. Hebrew Union College Press, Cincinnati, 1977. [Fre81] Freehof, Solomon B., _New Reform Responsa_. Hebrew Union College Press, Cincinnati, 1981. [Jac83] Jacob, Walter, _American Reform Responsa_. Central Conference of American Rabbis, ISBN 0-916694-83-6. 1983. [Jac87] Jacob, Walter, _Contemporary American Reform Responsa_. Central Conference of American Rabbis, ISBN 0-88123-003-0. 1987. [Lau51] Lauterbach, Jacob Z. _Rabbinic Essays_. Hebrew Union College Press, Cincinnati, 1951. ------------------------------------------------------------ Subject: IV.5. REFORM HISTORY [Lev29] Levy, Felix. "Moses Mendelssohn's Ideas of Religion and Their Relation to Reform Judaism", in _Yearbook of the CCAR_, Vol 39. CCAR, New York. 1929. [Mey88] Meyer, Michael A. _Response to Modernity : A History of the Reform Movement in Judaism_. Oxford University Press, New York, NY. 1988. [Pla65] Plaut, W. Gunther. _The Growth of Reform Judaism_. World Union for Progressive Judaism, 1965. [Pla63] Plaut, W. Gunther. _The Rise of Reform Judaism_. World Union for Progressive Judaism, 1963. [Sil74] Silver, Daniel J. and Bernard Martin. _A History of Judaism_. Basic Books. 1974. [Sol??] Soloff, Mordecai, _How the Jewish People Lives Today_. Union of American Hebrew Congregations. ------------------------------------------------------------ Subject: IV.6. THE BIBLE [Pla74] Plaut, W. Gunther. _The Torah, A Modern Commentary_. UAHC. ISBN 0-8074-0165-X/UAHC-4. [Fre57] Freehof, Solomon B. _Preface To Scripture_. UAHC. 1957. ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Please mail additions or corrections to me at End of Judaism Reading List Part IV (Reform) Digest ************************** ------- -- [W]:The Aerospace Corp. M1/055 * POB 92957 * LA, CA 90009-2957 * 310/336-8228 [Email] [Vmail]:310/336-5454 Box#13149 "And as they say, the rest is compost"