Archive-name: judaism/reading-lists/antisemitism Posting-Frequency: Monthly Selected Sources for Additional Reading on Judaism Part IX: Antisemitism and Christian Relations [Last Change: $Date: 1993/06/08 18:00:59 $ $Revision: 2.1 $] [Last Post: Sun May 9 11:00:47 1993] This message is intended to provide readers of soc.culture.jewish with a list of references to allow them to learn more about the history and the reasons behind antisemitism. This collections of readings also address the holocaust. Note the distinction in the terms. "Anti-Semitism" refers to any semite -- Arab or Jew. "Antisemitism" refers to the specific targeting of Jews. Information on where to obtain these books, including an explanation of the and notations, may be found in Part I of the Reading List (judaism/reading-lists/general). This list is organized as a digest; it may be successfully undigestified by programs such as "gnus". ------------------------------------------------------------ Subject: Archival and Credits This reading list is based on an original antisemitism list developed by Rob Levine as part of the general Judaism reading list. It has been augmented by material from my library that I obtained from a course on antisemitism that was once taught by Dr. Deborah Lipstadt at UCLA and from suggestions in _The Jewish Catalog_. Other contributers include David A Guberman, Shaul Wallach, Dan Yurman and Len Moskowitz. Suggestions for additions or deletions for this list are welcome, as are *brief* annotations for the various list entries. All portions of the FAQ and of the reading lists are archived on [] in the directory: ~ftp/israel/lists/scj-faq They are available in the archives in the directory: pub/usenet/news.answers/judaism The following files make up the reading lists and are in the "reading-lists" subdirectory: general, traditional, chasidism, reform, conservative, reconstructionist, humanistic, zionism, antisemitism, intermarriage, periodicals. The following files make up the FAQ and are in the "FAQ" subdirectory: 01-FAQ-intro, 02-Who-We-Are, 03-Torah-Halacha, 04-Observance, 05-Worship, 06-Jewish-Thought, 07-Jews-As-Nation, 08-Israel, 09-Antisemitism, 10-Miscellaneous. The files may also be obtained via Email by sending a message to with the following line in the body of the message: send usenet/news.answers/judaism/(portionname) Where (portionname) is replaced by the appropriate subdirectory and filenames; for example, to get the first part of the reading list, one would say: send usenet/news.answers/judaism/reading-lists/general ------------------------------------------------------------ Subject: IX.1. ANTISEMITISM [Are68] Arendt, Hannah. _Antisemitism_. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., 1968. [Are78] Arendt, Hannah. _Towards the Final Solution: A History of European Racism_. Harper/Colophon Books, 1978. [Are58] Arendt, Hannah. _Origins of Totalitarianism_ Meridian, New York. 1958. [Ber??] Berger, David (ed.) _History and Hate: The Dimensions of Anti-Semitism_. JPS: Philadelphia PA. ??. ISBN 0-8276-0267-7. [Dun91] Dundes, Alan (ed.) _The Blood Libel Legend: A Casebook in Anti-Semitic Folklore_. University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, WI. 1991. [Lan90a] Langmuir, Gavin. _History, Religion, and Antisemitism_. University of California. 1990. ["the most erudite historian of antisemitism" -- Leon Poliakov] [Lan90b] Langmuir, Gavin. _Toward a Definition of Antisemitism_. University of California. 1990. ["the most erudite historian of antisemitism" -- Leon Poliakov; a collection of Langmuir's more important papers] [Pol75] Poliakov, Leon. _A History of Antisemitism_. Vanguard Press. 1975. [3 volumes; "a major work" -- Michael Berenbaum (director of the research component of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum)] [Pra83] Prager, Dennis and Joseph Telushkin. _Why the Jews?: The Reason for Antisemitism_. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1983. [Reu74] Reuether, Rosemary. _Faith and Fratricide: The Theological Roots of Antisemitism_ Seabury Press. 1974. [Sam66] Samuel, Maurice. _Blood Accusation: The Strange History of the Beiliss Case_. Alfred A. Knopf, New York. 1966. [Ste76] Steinsaltz, Adin. "The Persecution and Banning of the Talmud." Part one, chapter eleven of _The Essential Talmud_. Trans. Chaya Galai. New York: Basic Books, 1976. [Str09] Strackz, Hermann L. _The Jew and Human Sacrifice_. Block Publishing Co., New York. 1909. ------------------------------------------------------------ Subject: IX.2. WHAT LED TO THE HOLOCAUST [Ber93] Berenbaum, Michael. _The World Must Know_. Little, Brown. 1993. [the history of the Shoah (Holocaust) as told in the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum by the head of its research component] [Daw75] Dawidowicz, Lucy S. _The War Against the Jews, 1933-1945_. JPS, Philadelphia. 1975. [Fei70] Feingold, Henry. _The Politics of Rescue: The Roosevelt Administration and the Holocaust_. Rutgers Press. 1970. [Fla65] Flannery, Edward. _The Anguish of the Jews_. Macmillan, New York. 1965. [Gil85] Gilbert, Martin. _The Holocaust_. Holt, Rinehart & Winston. 1985. [narrative history based on the words of those who were there] [Hil85] Hilberg, Raul. _The Destruction of the European Jews: Revised and Definitive Edition. Holmes and Meier. 1985. [3 volumes; "magisterial"; "unequaled insight into how the Holocaust was perpetrated" -- Michael Berenbaum (director of the research component of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum)] [Kah91] Kahil, Leni. _The Holocaust_. Oxford. 1991. ["comprehensive and insightful" -- Michael Berenbaum (director of the research component of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum)] [Kat78] Katz, Jacob. _Out of the Ghetto: The Social Background of Jewish Emancipation_. Schocken Press, New York. 1978. [Mos80] Mosse, George. _Toward The Final Solution: A History of European Racism_. Colophon Books. 1980. [Par??] Parkes, James. _The Conflict of the Church and the Synagogue: A Study in the Origins of Antisemitism_. JPS: Philadelphia, PA. ???. There is also an excellent bibliography of Holocaust resources in _The Third Jewish Catalog_ ------------------------------------------------------------ Subject: IX.3. MEDIEVAL OPPRESSION [Abr96] Abrahams, Israel. _Jewish Life in the Middle Ages_. JPS, Philadelphia. [Bae61] Baer, Yitzchak F. _History of the Jews in Christian Spain_. 2 vols. JPS, Philadelphia. 1961. ISBN 0-8276-0115-8, 0-8276-0338-X. [Mar79] Marcus, Jacob R. _The Jew In The Medieval World: A Source Book 315-1791_ Atheneum, New York. 1979. [Rot34] Roth, Cecil. _Ritual Murder Libel and the Jew: The Report by Cardinal Lorenzo Ganganelli (Pope Clement XIV)_ Woburn Press, London. 1934. [Tra??] Trachtenberg, Joshua. _The Devil and the Jews: The Medieval Conception of the Jew and Its Relation to Modern Anti-Semitism_. JPS: Philadelphia, PA. ISBN 0-8276-0227-8. ------------------------------------------------------------ Subject: IX.4. ANTISEMITISM TODAY (INCLUDING DEALING WITH HATE GROUPS) [Aho90] Aho, James A. _The Politics of Righteousness - Idaho Christian Patriotism_. Univ. of Washington Press. 1990. ISBN 0-295-96997-0. [The author is a professor in the Sociology Dept. at the Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID. Topics covered include: 1. White supremacy movements - Idaho, 2. Arayan Nation, 3. Antisemitism - Idaho, 4. Christianity and politics. Includes an extensive bibliography, index, and notes. This a scholarly but readable work which is essential for anyone concerned with the history and dynamics of antisemitism in the Pacific Northwest.] ------------------------------------------------------------ Subject: IX.5. JUDIASM AND CHRISTIANITY [Moo32] Moore, George Foote. _Judaism in the First Centuries of the Christian Era_. Harvard. 1932. [a classic scholarly work (3 vols.)] [Bae58b] Baeck, Leo. _Judaism and Christianity_. Jewish Publication Society, Philadelphia. 1958. [Ber78] Berger, David and Michael Wyschogrod. _Jews and "Jewish Christianity"_. New York: Ktav, 1978. [This book explains how Judaism views Christianity and why it cannot agree with some fundamental Christian beliefs.] [Fis??] Fisch, Dov Aharoni. _Jews for Nothing_. [Kap??b] Kaplan, Aryeh. _The Real Messiah_. [Lev80] Levine, Samuel. _You Take Jesus, I'll Take G@d_: How To Refute Christian Missionaries_. Hamoroh Press (P.O. Box 48862, Los Angeles, CA 90048). 1980. ISBN: 0-9604754-1-9. [Nac63] Rabbi Moshe ben Nachman. _Vikuach Haramban_ Found in _Otzar Havikuchim_ by J.D. Eisenstein, Hebrew Publishing Society, 1915 and _Kithvey Haramban_ by Rabbi Charles D. Chavel, Mosad Horav Kook, 1963. [The RaMBaN engaged a formerly Jewish convert to Christianity in a disputation in 1263. The arguments haven't changed since. Also, see a video of 'The Disputation' which premiered on A&E.] [She83] Sherman, Shlomoh. _Escape From Jesus, One Man's Search For a Meaningful Judaism_. Decalogue Books: Mount Vernon, NY. 1983/1986. ISBN: 0-915474-03-4. [The true story of an assimilated Jew's conversion to Messianic Christianity, the reasons he became disenchanted with it, and his subsequent turn to traditional Judaism.] [Sie81] Sigal, Gerald. _The Jew and the Christian Missionary: A Jewish Response to Missionary Christianity_. Ktav Publishing House, 1981. [UAHC??] Union of American Hebrew Congregations. _The Target Is You_. UAHC TV and Film Institute. [30 min. VHS Video. Recommended for students in grades 7-9. Includes a review of the differences between Christianity and Judaism; a look behind-the-scenes at Hebrew-Christian congregations; interviews with Jews who were once members of these groups: they explain who they were missionized, what strategies the missionaries used, and why they returned to Judaism; and a discussion of how to combat missionary tactics. Non-Orthodox.] ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Please mail additions or corrections to me at End of Judaism Reading List Part XI (Antisemitism) Digest ************************** ------- -- [W]:The Aerospace Corp. M1/055 * POB 92957 * LA, CA 90009-2957 * 310/336-8228 [Email] [Vmail]:310/336-5454 Box#13149 "And as they say, the rest is compost"