XEOL v1.0 - Translate End-of-line Characters for DOS and OS/2 ============================================================= Copywrite (c) Paul Gallagher 1993. The author grants general permission to distribute and use this package, provide it remains complete as detailed in section (1), is not modified in any way, and is not sold for more than a reasonable media and distribution charge. Contents of this file: 1. Package 2. Version History 3. Contacting the author 4. System Requirements 5. About XEOL 6. Using XEOL 1. Package ========== XEOL.TXT = this file XEOL-DOS.EXE = DOS executable XEOL-OS2.EXE = OS/2 v2.x executable 2. Version History ================== 93.09.28 : v1.0 for DOS and OS/2. The OS/2 exe should run under NT, but this hasn't been tested yet! 3. Contacting the Author ======================== Paul Gallagher: Contact me by mail at , snail mail at: PO Box 731 Mt Waverley 3149 Australia, or tel: +61-3-560-7066 (BH). 4. System Requirements ====================== XEOL requires DOS v3.x or higher, or OS/2 v2.0 or higher. 5. About XEOL ============= XEOL performs end-of-line translation on text files. It can convert to/from any of the three popular end-of-line character streams: mac = 0x0D dos,os2 = 0x0D,0x0A unix = 0x0A XEOL operates as a command line filter. It converts a text stream appearing on the standard input handle, writing the converted lines to the standard output handle. 6. Using XEOL ============= {In the following discussion, the command XEOL has been used to represent the program. Substitute XEOL-DOS or XEOL-OS2 depending on your platform} Getting help: XEOL /? Usage: XEOL -ffmtstr -tfmtstr where -f indicates format to translate from, and -t is the destination format, and fmtstr is one of the following: mac [uses = 0xD] dos,os2 [uses = 0xD,0xA] unix [uses = 0xA] This is only 1/3 the story though; next you need to tell the program *what* to convert. There are 3 options: 1. Use "redirection" Eg: XEOL -fdos -tmac test.mac 2. Use "pipes" to direct output into another process (like sort) Eg: type test.mac | XEOL -fmac -tdos | sort 3. Use default output (ie. console) type test.mac | XEOL -fmac -tdos