BECOMING A MEMBER IS QUITE SIMPLE Simply go to the Member Choice on the menu and hit enter on Print Up a Membership Form. Make sure your printer is on. Print up the form. Fill it in and send to us. For optional additional brownie points, print up the Petition you'll find on the menu and see how many signatures you can get. Send these forms to us at the same time you become a member. Please Donate whatever you can afford as a membership fee. We have no set fee, but would appreciate anything you can spare. We are a Non Profit Organization and we will soon run out of funds if not supported by all of our members. Please be as generous as you can. The more financial resources we can control, the faster we will be able to bring about this great Evolution in American Politics. If you can't afford money or property, please print up the Long Distance Discount Plans and fill out and return to us. We have contracted with an MCI wholesaler of Long Distance services who will pay our Non Profit 5% of the money they save for you. You still net out at least 10% savings on Long Distance, no matter what plan you currently use. This is guaranteed by Affinity Fund, the service Provider. The quality of service is as good or better than you're getting now. If you really want to help, print out and make copies of these forms and give to all your friends and business associates and keep on them to send in to us. This can give us sustained funding for years and it costs you and your friends nothing at all, and in fact saves them hundreds of dollars per year. (You are reimbursed also for the $5.00 fee your local phone co. will charge to switch you to this service.) WE HOPE YOU WILL SUPPORT US IN ANY WAY YOU CAN. THE unLEARNING FOUNDATION P.O. BOX 7885 SANTA CRUZ, CA 95061