GAP-FidoNet setup ***** There are currently 4 GAP sysops that I know of that are in Fido-Net, so be warned that this is not an real easy process. If it were, I believe that more GAP sysops would be in Fido. Don't get discouraged, if I can get it up and running, anyone can. ***** The method I use it the most expensive method. I use D'Bridge as a Front-end mailer and use a program called FidoQWK to toss the Fido .MSG format into GAP. D'Bridge is $139.00 and FidoQWK is about $25.00. Fido can be setup with GAP using Front-Door and an external mail-tosser, but I never had much luck getting it to run properly with GAP. Others have, so you may want to investigate that route and save a few bucks! ***** Programs you'll need: DB-153.ZIP - D'Bridge front-end mailer by Chris Irwin. MINTOSEC.ZIP- A program by Neil Peiman that converts minutes to next event into seconds for D'Bridge. FidoQXXX.ZIP- Program by Geoffrey Sy that converts Fido format message bases into .REP packets for import into GAP. (where XXX is the latest version) X00 or BNU- Fossil driver. I *believe* that X00 comes in the D'Bridge demo version zipfile. ZIP,ARJ,PAK- Grab every archive program known to man that you can get your hands on! ***** First things first: You need to get the mailer up and running so you can apply to FidoNet for a node number. I would advise contacting a local FidoNet board and see if you can obtain a current nodelist, and a copy of POLICY-4.TXT. The policy document outlines what you need in order to apply to Fido for a node number, and how to go about it. I would also suggest finding out what Zone/Network you are located in. Mine is 1:103 Unzip D'Bridge into it's own sub-directory, install the fossil driver per the docs with that package, ( my autoexec.bat setup is BNU /L1:38400,8N1 /r4096 /f+ /m- ) run D'Bridge by typing DB, and answer all the setup questions it will ask you. Just in case you didn't fully read the POLICY-4.TXT document, do the following: Fill in the node number with Zone:Network/9999. (Would look like 1:103/9999) The /9999 means that you are waiting a node number assignment from FidoNet. After you finish filling out all the questions, save the configuration and let D'Bridge make a call. It will call OHIO and automatically download a demo key that is good for thirty days. If you DON'T let it do this, you will not be able to run D'Bridge in a demo mode. The call is very brief and D'Bridge will even tell you how much the call costs! ***** Now we need to get D'Bridge working with GAP so your callers can go about their business. (Although they will wonder what that thing is that answers the phone, and why they have to hit ESC to access the BBS.) Press ESC to highlight the pulldown menu from D'Bridge and under the ADVANCED menu, select BBS Configuration. It is in this area of D'Bridge you can change the prompts that are shown to the caller while they are online waiting for the BBS to load. More importantly, this command: DOS Commands For BBS: echo gapbbs 38400 1 0 *B *T "*C" 0 >BBSBATCH.BAT ^(change to 1 for Com 2) mintosec BBSBATCH.BAT copy BBSBATCH.BAT c:\gap2 <--sub your default dir here *X The above file passes parameters and writes a log-on batch file for GAP callers. The "*X" means that D'Bridge will completely exit from memory and exit with an error level. (See enclosed batch files.) Here is the batch file I use to start D'Bridge: (I call it RDB.BAT) @echo Off DB IF ERRORLEVEL 384 GOTO DOBBS IF ERRORLEVEL 192 GOTO DOBBS IF ERRORLEVEL 144 GOTO DOBBS IF ERRORLEVEL 96 GOTO DOBBS IF ERRORLEVEL 33 GOTO PORT IF ERRORLEVEL 32 GOTO CLINTON IF ERRORLEVEL 30 GOTO PACK IF ERRORLEVEL 24 GOTO DOBBS IF ERRORLEVEL 12 GOTO DOBBS GOTO DONE :DOBBS CD\gap2 <-----sub your default dir here call gapmel.bat goto end :PORT CALL PORT GOTO END :PACK CD\gap2 CALL PACK <-------or sub your batch file that runs GAPPACK GOTO END :CLINTON call clinton.bat goto end :END CD\db RDB :DONE I will explain this batch file a bit. D'Bridge will automatically exit with a specified errorlevel when it receives calls. When it receives a 38400 call, it will exit with errorlevel 384. On a 19200 call, it will exit with an errorlevel of 192. With 14400, it exits with errorlevel 144. A 9600 call results in an errorlevel of 96. So on and so on...You do not need to specify these errorlevels anywhere in D'Bridge! These are already reserved, so don't add an event with one of these errorlevels. If this portion is confusing, (It was for me at first) This will make more sense a little later when I explain the event setup. In looking at the batch file, the errorlevels that direct the batch file to the DOBBS portion of it are for logging callers onto the board. DOBBS calls the batch file I call GAPMEL.BAT which resides in the GAP default directory. Here's the GAPMEL.BAT: (resides in the node default directory) @echo off CALL BBSBATCH /*D'Bridge created this file when it answered the phone*/ if errorlevel 99 goto 2 if not errorlevel 99 goto END :2 cd \db rdb :end C: The reason I call it GAPMEL.BAT is because I still have a GAP.BAT in the default directory to load up GAPMENU and other goodies. If you use the GAPMEL.BAT from DOS, you can load up GAPMENU and do maintenance and whatever, but it will load up D'Bridge again when it exits. You will still need to retain your original GAP.BAT file and load up GAPMENU for each node when you add forums and add doors, etc, etc... At this point, D'Bridge SHOULD be answering calls and passing human callers through to GAP. ***** HUGE Note Number One: ***** You CAN set up D'Bridge to shell when it receives a caller. I use the exit with errorlevel method because I originally set up D'Bridge on a 286 with a low memory situation. On a 386 machine with EMS and a lot of memory, you would probably have no problems. I have been doing it this way for so long and it's been working flawlessly, so I don't see the need to change it here. If you wanted to use the shell method, here's how you would set up the section under the ADVANCED / BBS CONFIGURATION area: DOS Commands for BBS: echo GAPBBS 38400 1 0 *B *T "*C" 0 >BBSBATCH.BAT mintosec BBSBATCH.BAT copy BBSBATCH.BAT c:\gap2 cd \gap2 +BBSBATCH *If you choose to use D'Bridge this way, see HUGE Note Number Two before you setup your events! ***** Events: GAP's events will no longer work because GAP is not running! Fortunately, D'Bridge has a nice event processor (not quite as nice as GAP) that you can use to run all the events that you need. The difference is that they must be run from the RDB.BAT I run three events on this node. The events are PACK, CLINTON, and PORT. The events are setup under D'Bridge from the pulldown menu CONFIG. Select SCHEDULE MAINTENANCE and we can setup our errorlevels and run times. Here's how to set it up in D'Bridge: Hit "A" to add the event. Event "TAG" is CLINTON Enabled? YES Type? EXIT (Hit F1 for further explanation of TYPES) Weekday(s) ALL[A] Start Time: 06:15 (use military time) Critical? No (Hit F1 for further explanation of this) Errorlevel 32 (Specify what errorlevel you wish to use. ^^ Important: The errorlevel must correspond to the call in the RDB.BAT file.) Everyday at 6:15 a.m. D'Bridge will now exit out with an errorlevel of 32 and run my CLINTON.BAT file which resides in the DB directory. By studying the RDB.BAT and seeing how the other events are run, you can easily add all your events that you had running from GAP into D'Bridge. ** Important ** As you add events into D'Bridge and add errorlevels into your batch file, make sure they are in the batch file in numerical descending order. In other words, errorlevel 384 is first, 192 is second, 144 is third, etc, etc... ***** HUGE Note Number Two: ***** If you opt to use the Shell method as described above in HUGE Note Number One, set your events to DOS type instead of EXIT type. ***** Archive Programs We need to get a FidoNet Nodelist and compile it. Before that can be done, you must obtain a copy of (at the very least) ARJ, PAK, and ZIP. Put the executables somewhere in your DOS path and D'Bridge will find them. To make sure they are installed, check the CONFIG menu and select XMAIL control. D'Bridge will show the status as to whether these programs are installed or not. ***** Nodelist Under the CONFIG menu, select Nodelist Configuration and add an entry for the FidoNet Nodelist and Nodediff files. It should look like this: St. Louis Nodelists: C:\DB\FILES\ NODELIST NODEDIFF The path is optional where you locate the files. I just went with the directory where all my received files are kept. I believe most people use the DB directory, but this works for me just fine. Doing it this way keeps the RDB.BAT file a little shorter by avoiding any IF EXIST commands. As long as D'Bridge can find the Nodelist and Nodediff files, it doesn't matter where you keep them. On the same menu; Auto-compile nodelists: Start-up You could set it for midnight, but I just figured I would have D'Bridge compile the nodelist as soon as it receives a NODEDIFF file. Why wait? On my 386-40 the compile takes about five minutes and it only happens once a week anyway. When you quit out of this menu, copy the Nodelist file into the directory you have specified. If the file is already located there, D'Bridge will compile it. If not, quit D'Bridge and re-start it. The nodelist will be un-archived and compiled. Everytime you receive a NODEDIFF file, D'Bridge will automatically update the changes and re-compile the new NODELIST for you. Note: Nodediff files MUST be added in ASCENDING order on a weekly basis. FidoNet issues weekly Nodediff files that have a number that is 7 higher than the previous one. They must be placed in the directory with the NODELIST in successive order for D'Bridge to be able recognize and compile it. For example: If you have NODELIST.190 and added NODEDIFF.204, nothing would happen. You would have to locate NODEDIFF.197, place it in the directory with NODELIST.190 and let it compile. After it's finished, THEN add NODEDIFF.204 and it will do it's thing. After you get in FidoNet, you can subscribe to the file distribution network that will send you the weekly NODEDIFF files every Friday. I know this all sounds a bit confusing, but it took me quite a while to obtain the information on Nodelists and Nodediff files. The above paragraphs may save you some time when you realize the Nodediff files aren't being applied correctly! ***** Applying for a Node number: In the POLICY-4 document, there is a paragraph that states how to apply for a FidoNet node number. Your message needs to go NETMAIL to your Network Coordinator. To enter the required message, hit ALT-E to get into D'Bridge's editor. Hit E to enter a new message. When prompted by the "TO:" enter your network coordinator's address. Make sure you send it to Node ZERO. (My NC's address is 1:103/0) D'Bridge will fill in the rest from the nodelist. When you write the required message, save it and watch D'Bridge do it's thing. It should make an immediate call and send the message directly to the NC. If it doesn't do that, hit ALT-V and change the status to immediate. By changing the status, D'Bridge will call out and deliver the message ASAP. ***** Message Bases and GAP Forums A file I forgot to mention is a file called FIDONET.NA that should be available from your Network Coordinator's BBS. The file contains all the echoes (Fido-lingo) that are on the Fido backbone area. (More Fido-lingo that means they are nationally distributed subs.) Decide which one's you would like to carry and set them up just like you would any GAP forum. Handy Hint: Start off slow, and select about five echoes until you get things running smoothly. After the areas have been setup with GAP, we have to configure D'Bridge to toss the mail packets. Select EDITOR and then select ECHOMAIL areas Assuming that I wanted to carry the AutoCAD echo, I need to know the exact area tag for the echo. (The way the echo is named in the FIDONET.NA file) The AutoCAD echo is named A_CAD. Here's an echomail area setup: Area # 1 Codeword: A_CAD Security Level: 9999 (This is a default that I have left alone) Description: AutoCAD echo Storage: Fido Directory Path: C:\DB\AUTOCAD (This path can be anywhere it's convenient) Default Private:No Area Archive: (Blank) Purge Except: (Blank) Area Type: Echomail Conf Name: A_CAD Origin Name: (Blank. Defaults to System Name) Alias Address: (Blank. This is used for running multiple Fido-Type Networks) Tiny Seen BYs: NO Default Priority: Normal Forward to: (Insert you hub's FidoNet node number) (Mine is 1:103/900) Add the other areas and complete these for each echo area that you have set up. D'Bridge will take your mail packets and toss them to their respective areas automatically upon receipt. To double-check this, pull down the CONFIG menu and select PACKET/MAIL CONTROL. Make sure that Inbound Mail Handling is set to AUTOMATIC. (It's about the fifth line down) ***** FidoQWK To get the unpacked mail into GAP, we need to convert the Fido .MSG format files into a REP packet that can imported to your board. FidoQWK does this very smoothly and FAST. Just like GAP and D'Bridge, we need to tell it what areas are setup, and what to do with the messages. Unzip FidoQWK into a directory and type FQSETUP. I won't try to re-write the docs for that program, but make that under GENERAL CONFIGURATION you have the paths set correctly to the location of the *.QWK and *.REP files. Under HOST BBS setup, NAME: Your BBS Host ID: Your BBS QWK ID. (Mine is WATER) Tagline: (Blank) Compressor: 1 Tagline: (Blank) Message Type: 1 Under Network Taglines, 1: IN: Your BBS tag here OUT: (Blank) This above needs a brief explanation. I have the incoming messages labeled with a tagline, but it appears that the outgoing don't get tagged! These are backwards in FidoQWK v1.15. I don't know if it's been fixed in v1.16, but the OUT is IN and vice-versa. (Who wants their tagline posted on incoming messages?) Another word about taglines...FidoNet DOES NOT allow high-ascii characters in taglines! I would stick to the standard ascii characters in your tagline. On national echoes, the Amiga and Mac users get really pissed when they can't read the tags or they mess up their displays. I learned this one the hard way... It's a big Fido NO-NO..... Select HOST BBSes Information. Scroll down to HOST ID and hit the F-2 key. QWK CONFERENCE NUMBER.... (Enter GAP's Forum number from your BBS) QWK CONFERENCE NAME AutoCAD (or whatever) Network Tagline: 1 Fido Message Path: C:\DB\AUTOCAD (Must match the path in D'Bridge's Echomail setup) Last Message Exported: (Set to 0 or 1) Last Message Imported: (Set to 0 or 1) Select ALT-I and add all the other Fido echoes like this one. Again, make sure that the message paths match the path in the D'Bridge Echomail setup. This is critical! ***** GAP's QWK/REP In your GAP QWK/REP directory (or in the archive that the QWK/REP files come in) there is a text file called LOCAL.TXT Read the file very carefully about setting up a user account with the name QWK REP. This account is needed to import and export messages to and from the BBS via GAP's QWK/REP module. Once the account is setup and you have configured Forums for the QWK REP account, we can start receiving and sending messages from Fido!!!!!! (Whew! Are you still with me at this point!?!) Here's the batch file I use for importing messages into GAP: (I have named it PORT.BAT) REM The following commands avoid any nasty dupes: del c:\gap\gapnet\rep\*.rep del c:\gap\gapnet\qwk\*.qwk cd \fidoqwk msg2rep water /IP /IS /EMS /FS /NoSEENBY /TT:SYSOP=DUNCAN;MARKLEY purge water cd\gap\gapnet\rep copy water.rep c:\safety cd \gap\qwkrep qwkexprt qwkrep1.cnf local c:\gap\gapnet\qwk repimprt qwkrep1.cnf local c:\gap\gapnet\rep cd \fidoqwk qwk2msg water /EMS /FS /TF:SYSOP=DUNCAN;MARKLEY cd \db db echoscan cd \fidoqwk purge water ***** * Obviously, water is my QWK/REP ID. * The /TT and /TF switches convert incoming and outgoing messages adressed to and from the SYSOP to your name. * Don't transpose the order in which qwkexprt and repimprt run. If you run repimprt and then run qwkexprt, your outgoing messages won't get sent! (see the local.txt file for an explanation of message flags using the repimprt command) * There may be a more elegant way to do this batch file, but it works here! ***** Thanks to Andrew Badi for sharing his FidoQWK batch file with me! I was having some difficulty with it and he was nice enough to help me out on it. ***** At this point, YOU'RE HAPPENING..!!!!!!!!! Good luck in Fido. There is a lot left to learn, but Fido is a great network and hope you like it as much as I do. The software is a pistol, but what a challenge.... Read on for more tips.... ***** Stupid D'Bridge F-Key Tricks.... Since the F1 key is the help key (and it can't be re-programmed), you can program F2 to call your terminal program. Select the ADVANCED pulldown menu and select FUNCTION KEYS.... F2: cd \telix (or your term program) telix tough huh!? ***** Local GAP login from the F3 key F3: cd \GAP (or whatever node) gapbbs 2400 0 1 2400 0 0 0 ^ (0=Com 1, 1=Com 2) This will allow you to log onto your BBS as the Sysop using the F3 key at the waiting for call screen in D'Bridge. ***** Help, and more help... I will be glad to assist you in setting up FidoNet on your GAP board, but I am only familiar with D'Bridge and FidoQWK! I really don't know how it's done with Front Door and an external mail tosser. I CAN tell you that I have used Front Door before and (IMHO) I like D'Bridge a LOT better even though it's expensive compared to Front Door. I'm not putting down Front Door in any way, I just know that there are a couple of GAP Sysops who are using it, and I don't know how They are doing it. (Although I think I have a pretty good idea.) My job requires that I travel extensively, so if you need to get a hold of me please be patient. I am out of town for weeks at a time, so it may take a bit to answer your questions. You can call my board, or I can be reached on the Crow's Nest. Good luck! ***** Duncan Markley The Waterfront (714) 675-9251 (14.4 HST and V.32 ) Fido Net: 1:103/902 ***** I just purchased a new home yesterday! I will be re-locating about mid-September, so my BBS number will undoubtedly change as will my FidoNet node number. After 9/93, I would recommend contacting me on The Crow if you need any assistance.