Enhancement #1 - Open a capture file ------------------------------------ Since the primary purpose of a mailrun script will be to handle a BBS session unattended, you're very likely to want some method for determining what exactly transpired during the session while you weren't there. A capture file will provide that information. Two {COMMO} macro commands apply to the creation of a capture file -- CAPTure and CAPMode. CAPTure opens (and closes) the capture file. CAPMode is an optional command that changes the type of capture file which is open (screen/filter/raw). This command is only required if you wish to have a different type capture file than is set as your default in your .SET file (the "cpm" setting). I recommend that you use "raw" as the capture file type for unattended sessions. Besides providing a record of what transpired during an unattended session, the capture file can be used as a debugging tool to determine what went wrong during failed sessions. "Raw" mode ensures you see everything that came into the port. So, if your default setting is "screen" (which is very likely), then you'll need to use CAPMode in your script to change to "raw". I recommend that creation of the capture file be the very first command associate with a BBS' linked macro. For example, let's suppose your mailrun script is setup to call Big Sky BBS and in the dialing directory, Big Sky's linked macro name is "pcb". Here's how you'd turn on the capture file for your mailrun session: . . {:PCB} {CAPM raw} Note 1 {CAPT y,%qwkdir%%bbsid.cap} Note 2 {:LOGIN} Note 3 . . the rest of your login/mailrun routine . Note 1: Sets capture file type to "raw" Note 2: Opens a capture file in directory specified by variable "qwkdir" with filename "bbsid".cap. You can use whatever directory/filename you like. I just wanted to show that variables can also be used in this command. Note 3: The label "login" is not really required. I've included it here to provide continuity with previous lessons. If you recall from Lesson 11, the capture file would be turned off with the "{CAPT n}" command contained in the "gby" macro. Jim