Previous lessons introduced the concept of marking/dialing BBSs. We're now at the point where the script segments we'll be writing will be those that communicate with a BBS after a successful connection. When you dial a BBS manually, you respond to a series of prompts which are presented by the BBS. Any script you write needs to also respond to these same prompts. Any other material that scrolls automatically is irrelevant to the do not need to account for these items, e.g., the BBS Welcome Screen, any "news" files, the Main Menu, etc..remember: A prompt is a point at which you must respond from your keyboard in order to continue. A script must be able to respond to these prompts the same way you would do if you were calling the BBS manually. We will set up our script to "watch" for specific text strings to come into the I/O port from the BBS and then make assumptions/act on the string after it's received. Here's an example of a BBS prompt that's probably very familiar to you: Please Enter Your Real First Name? If you were calling manually, you'd naturally enter your first name and press . {COMMO} has several different methods for "watching" for incoming strings..the most fundamental of which is "{LOOK}". {COMMO}'s method of sending text out the comm port is "{SEND}". Here's how we might account for the login prompt for our first name: {LOOK Please Enter Your Real First Name?} {SEND Jim|} <- Note: {COMMO} translates the "|" character into a "Carriage Return" Now's a good point to introduce an important concept concerning prompts..something I'll call "minimal prompt". In the example above, I used the entire "Please enter.." prompt as something to look for. That's OK, but what if we get a little burst of line noise while the prompt is being displayed? {COMMO} looks for *exact* text matches on its "LOOK" functions. Any deviation in the incoming string will cause {COMMO} to "miss" the prompt. To prevent this, you should specify only enough of any given prompt that retains a high level of "uniqueness" to the prompt as far as being recognized for what it really is. {COMMO} doesn't care if the particular string its looking for makes sense, all that matters is the match is exact. Using my example, suppose we chose to look only for "First Name?", i.e., "{LOOK First Name?}". If the login prompt for "first name" is the only place this particular string occurs, then it would be safe to reduce our "LOOK"ed for text down to these two words and the question mark. My advice on what to use when specifying prompts to "LOOK" for is: LOOK for a minimal portion of a BBS prompt. Define that minimal portion to be something that sets the string apart as a prompt, rather than as a random occurring string of text in extraneous portions of a BBS session. You'll find that puncuation, e.g., the "?" will often appear with certain text strings only in prompts. A classic example is PCBoard's "Command?" string. Here's an example: Suppose a BBS "Main Menu" prompt is: MAIN MENU ? A suitable "minimal approach" to handling this prompt could easily be any of the following strings "{LOOK MAIN MENU}", "{LOOK ?}. Personally, I try to use the least amount of a prompt which includes the *last* character in the original BBS prompt, yet maintains a uniqueness which sets the string apart as a prompt. In the example, above, then..I'd be likely to use "{LOOK Z>?}. END OF LESSON #4 Homework: Study the following {COMMO} macro command syntax: LOOK, GOLOok, CALOok, SSLOok. Next Lesson: We'll take a stab at the "Logon" process for our Mailrun script. Jim