This file is a collection of tutorial lessons on the {COMMO} macro language which I posted in several networks' {COMMO} Support Conferences from Jun - Oct 93. I have had numerous requests for the complete set so I decided to compile them into this file. This set is intended to be an introduction to writing your own mailrun scripts. I've covered what I believe to be the fundamental concepts necessary to get something started. I plan on continuing this series moving next to more advanced script concepts. I hope you enjoy these lessons and that they will help you to take full advantage of {COMMO} my opinion, the finest communications software in the world. *Please* register your copy of {COMMO} if you already haven't done so. If you have any questions or comments for me concerning these lessons, I can be reached via the WME, ILink, MetroLink (RIME), and FIDO {COMMO} Support Conferences. Or, feel free to write me at: Jim Bennett 421 S. Stonington Pl Tucson AZ 85748 Jim Bennett