This is a simple Times Roman type of Font, but with the necessary diacritical marks for printing Sanskrit and Pali text. It is TTF format, and can be loaded using the normal Windows Control Icon Fonts manager. ******************************* * ACTUAL POSITION OF LETTERS * ******************************* The keys are actually laid out to avoid using common letters, so that, if desired it can be used with other text too. In most cases there is an easy association between the key the letter is on and the letter itself. Alternatively you can use the more logically laid out WordPerfect for Windows Keyboard I also include, but the font can, of course, be used with any Windows application that can accept TrueType fonts. The keys they are on are:- a - @ i - $ u - # n (palatal) - ~ t - { d - } n (cerebral) - % n (guttural) - < m - > r - = l - _ h - * s (stroke above) - ^ s (dot below) - & Capital Long A - [ Capital Long U - ] Capital Long I - | Capital D with dot - \ Capital T with dot - + Capital S with Stroke - / (I did these extra capital forms because Sanskrit and Pali sentences and names occasionally start with them.) ********************************************************* * POSITION ON WORDPERFECT FOR WINDOWS SANSKRIT KEYBOARD * ********************************************************* You will find with the Sanskrit Keyboard the characters are allocated so that long vowels are found on th CTRL-letter, as are the characters with dots below (and m with dot above). The guttural n is found on the CTRL-K and the palatal n on the CTRL-C. (This is logical to any Sanskrit/Pali scholar.) Finally the s with stroke above is found on CTRL-Z, and the extra capital letters are found on the CTRL-SHIFT of the appropriate letter. Sukhi hotu! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- John Richards Pembrokeshire (UK) Internet - CompuServe ID - 100113,1250 -------------------------------------------------------------------------