RETURN TO ZORK: WANT SOME HINTS? 'COURSE YA DO! THE HINTS WILL BE GIVEN WITH LINES IN BETWEEN. IF YOU WANT A GENTLE HINT STOP AT THE LINE. IF YOU NEED MORE OF A HINT YOU CAN KEEP READING. MOUNTAIN PASS: Pick up the rock. ........... How do you get rid of that vulture? ........... Throw the rock at the vulture. ........... What to do with that plant? ........... DIG UP the plant by the sign with the knife. LIGHTHOUSE AREA: Talk to the Keeper in the lighthouse. Cut the vine and tie on wood planks to make raft. Use raft to travel down the river and turn when you get to the bridge. THE TOWN OF WEST SHANBAR: GIFT SHOP: The key is behind the Old Mill. Battery for the Orb is inside the shop. Cash drawer has money and Dizzyworld tickets. HARDWARE: Wooden box. Diseased mice. Crank. SCHOOL: How to get inside? ........ Try something on the bell. ........ Use the crank on the bell. THE BRIDGE: You will find Waif under the bridge. .......... Try the tickets to Dizzyworld. .......... Ask about bonding plant. Page 2: TOWN HALL: You will find the Mayor here. Check out the file cabinet. Many of the hints for the game will be found here. OLD MILL: Boos Myller is here. You need to read the files in the Mayor's office on toasting. If you cannot keep up with his can always cheat! .......... The plant comes in handy. .......... Pour the drink in the plant. .......... You need to toast 4 times. BASEMENT DOOR: Where are the keys? .......... Boos Myller has the keys. .......... How do I get the keys? .......... Ask for the keys before Boos takes his 4th drink! THE OTHER SIDE: TOWN OF NEW WEST SHANBAR: NOTE: THESE ARE GIVEN IN RANDOM ORDER! INN OF INSENOUGH: So you need a room? .......... Why do I keep dying when I turn the lights off? .......... Have you found something to do with the nightstand? .......... Try the illumynite rocks. .......... Did you try the tuner on the monitor? .......... Put the rocks on the nightstand and turn the tuner on the monitor. You will then be able to turn the lights off for a little sleep and dreaming. Page 3: MOODOCK: Have you read up on the survivor game in the mayor's office? .......... You will need these skills later in the game!!!!!!! .......... Play the game and win and he will give you a sword and a coin. BLACKSMITH: You will find the blacksmith to be such a nice guy. 'Course ya do! .......... Has your sword broke YET? .......... Go and have a word with him about it. .......... He will give you a letter to give to Ben. Take the letter to Ben and he will give you the real sword? .......... Have you asked him about the book? .......... He will provide a joke for you. GENERAL STORE: How do I get inside? .......... You will need to find something to pick the lock? .......... Have you found a box around anywhere? .......... So I have the box but it does not help. .......... Throw the box in the incinerator. .......... Did read up on the incinerator in the mayor's office? .......... You will need something to cool the wire. .......... Do you have anything that holds water? .......... Try filling the flask or thermozz with water. .......... Pull lever 1 and throw the box in the top. Close lever 1 and pull lever 2. Look in the drawer and you will see the wire. Pour the water on the wire and pick it up. Use the wire to pick the lock to the general store. ......... Did You shake the cereal box a couple of times? ......... What about those rats? ......... Put the rats in the wooden box. Page 4: THE BRIDGE: This is where you will find Ben. .......... Have you shown him any photos? .......... Have you shown him any women in photos? .......... Did you get the letter? .......... Have you learned anything from him? .......... Check out his knot! .......... So you rented a boat and you cannot get it to work! .......... You need something to run it! .......... Have you tried the rats from the general store? .......... You will need to ride the boat more than once. .......... The rats will still be in the boat when you return for your next trip to visit the Witch. THE WITCH HUT: You will want to ask questions before you give her the letter. .......... How do you get the bats? .......... You will have to get the bats on your next trip! .......... Did you ask her about the book? CREEPING BOGS: There is something you need to help you get out of the bogs. .......... Did you take the witch's stick? .......... You will need it to navigate to find out where you can step in the bogs. .......... Head north and west to get out of the bogs. THE RUINS: Have you got that puzzle together yet? .......... Exactly what are we trying to say here? .......... Do you give up? 'Course ya do! .......... (Water) Search for 3 more pieces on the ground where this... Page 5: FOREST OF THE SPIRITS: Have you found a tree with metal leaves? .......... Use you sword on the tree. .......... The tree is located east of the entrance. The bowman and the fairy. .......... How can you help the bowman? .......... Have you found something to help eyesight? .......... Have you a cow anywhere? .......... Give the bowman milk. .......... So where is the fairy? .......... Go north and west and you will be in the dark! .......... Strike a match and you will find the fairy. .......... You will be given fairy dust. .......... You will need to return to this area again so it is best to map out your directions. .......... Have you found the tree spirit? .......... What to do with those piles of leaves? .......... Throw something at them. .......... You can use your sword to open them up and get back your item. .......... The spider. .......... Have you been through the Troll caverns yet? .......... You need the necklace from the Troll leader. The statue. ........ You need to open the statue. ........ Try the sword. Page 6: WHISPERING WOODS: Are you having trouble with your vision? ......... Have you found anything around to help with eyesight? ......... Have you seen any cows? ......... Use the milk to help you vision. ......... How do I get around in here? ......... There has to be an easier way? ......... Have you found something that travels well in the dark? ......... Have you visited Witch Itah again? ......... She will give you permission to take the bats on your 2nd trip. ......... Just follow the bats through the forest. ......... Do you need that stuff from the bats for anything? 'Course ya do!! ......... The way through the forest s,s,e,e,s,e,s,e,s,e,n,n,n,e,e,s,s,s,w,s,s just in case you lost your way! THE FERRY: Three rings begin. Two rings return. ......... That is a clue for something close. ......... Maybe a bell nearby? ......... Ring the bell 3 times to go over and 2 times to get back across. So you have no coin to get back across? ......... I certainly hoped you saved you game! ......... He will give you a ride if just SHOW him the coin. Page 7: CANUK'S SHACK: Have you found a bottle around? ........ One that has a ship inside? ........ What to do with the scroll? ........ Did you try feeding it to the duck? ........ Throw the egg and you will have the scroll again. Ducks really know how to recycle! ........ Have you tried reading the scroll to the duck? ........ Canuk will give you a lot of info. ........ You might want to wait on asking him about some items. ........ It is best to ask about the bottle last. ........ I would advise you have your game saved if you want to ask about the scroll! ........ The ship in the bottle. ........ So you found the safe and so where is the combo? ........ Have you looked around in high places? ........ The combo is on the top sail. ........ Combo is 9-4-2-7. ........ So you do all that to get turned into a duck? ........ How can you stop that spell? ........ Or maybe you can just reflect it? ........ Try the mirror. ........ It is a good idea to have it out before you leave the bottle! ........ So you have another piece of the disc. You might want to find another way out than going back through the forest!! Details later. Page 8: PUGNEY'S RANCH: Have you read up on the guardian in the mayor's office? ........ If you take that box first, you might have wished you didn't. ........ He gives permission to take the bar box after you talk to him. ........ The cow. ........ How can you get this cow milked? ........ Do you remember cold hands and a warm heart? 'Course ya do! It does not apply here! ........ Maybe you need to warm up your hands? ........ Have you tried a little heat? ........ Light the hay with the matches and warm you hands. ........ So you warmed you hands and he still boots you out. ........ If you need more milk you will need to find his food. ........ What did Pugney say he eats? ........ Find the carrots. ........ Seen a silo around? THE SILO: Have you found a way to open the door? ........ What do you have that will open it? ........ Try the crank. ........ Turn it clockwise. FOOL'S MEMORIAL: You will find the book. Page 9: SNOOT'S FARM: So no one answers the door. ......... Maybe there is another way inside? ......... Have you tried the window? How about Alexis? Do you find him to be man's best friend? 'Course ya do! ........ I have not found a way past him either. ........ And I doubt there is one. ........ Have you checked out the files in the mayor's office on hellhounds? ........ Have you checked out the kitchen? ........ Did you find some cleaning item? ........ Maybe you should take a bath? ........ Or maybe you have something that needs to be cleaned? ........ Maybe something lucky? ........ Clean Wait's gift in the sink. ........ So you have another piece of the disc. ........ Have you checked for food? ........ Maybe you will get hungry later? ........ Maybe something cool? ........ Beef. It's what's for dinner! ........ Want a steak? 'Course ya do! ........ Maybe you should cook it in the oven! ........ Ha-ha-ha! Page 10: CLIFFS ON DEPRESSION: Seen any rope lately? ........ What's down there? ........ Tie the rope to the tree and go on down. ........ The comedy club. ........ Found any good jokes? ........ So exactly how many jokes do you need? ........ Did you listen good to Pugney? ........ You need 4 jokes to win. ........ Did you show the book to everyone? ........ Rebecca Mayor Blacksmith Witch Itah TROLL CAVERNS: Having a lighting problem? ........ Need a match? ........ 'Course ya do! ........ So you solved the light problem but you cannot fight! ........ You need a better light source. ........ Have you been back to the lighthouse? ........ Have you been to the Dwarven mines? ........ If you haven't then don't bother. ........ You need the helmet from the dwarven mines. Page 11: VULTURE PITS: So the vulture keeps having you for lunch? ........ Got anything he might be interested in eating? ........ Got anything rotten? ........ Toss it in and see what happens? ........ So that did not exactly work as planned. ........ Do you think a little seasoning would help? ......... 'Course ya do! ......... Have you been to the forest? ......... Have you met a fairy? ......... Use the fairy dust on the rotten meat and throw it in. ......... You will then be able to get the talon. HOW DO YOU GET BACK AFTER GOING TO CANUK'S SHACK? HOW DO YOU GET BACK TO THE LIGHTHOUSE? The easiest way to handle these questions is to answer them both at the same time! ........ That is a pretty good hint! ........ Did you talk to Canuk about vulture's? ........ Did you ask Canuk about the whistle? ........ Did you try blowing the whistle? ........ So you got the vulture but you need a little more. ........ Did you find anything at Canuk's shack to help? ........ Did you check out the blueprints? ........ Does it look familiar? ........ Did you check the door? ........ Pry off the magnet with the sword from Canuk's door. ........ Use the magnet with the whistle and the vulture will come and take you anywhere you want to go. Page 12: THE LIGHTHOUSE AGAIN: You have something that the keeper is interested in finding. ........ You might want to review you tape recorder. ........ Maybe something you found at the ruins after you completed the puzzle? ........ Illumynite. Have you checked outside? ........ Maybe you can do something with that rail? ........ I don't want to string you along. ........ Try the rope. ........ Remember what the keeper said about the rope? ........ Met anyone that was all tied up? ........ Maybe around a boat? ........ Did you talk to Ben? ........ Maybe you could use something with that rope? ........ Maybe something to bring it back? ........ Maybe something like a boomerang? ........ Try the talon. Page 13: BEL NAIRE TEMPLE: Did you check out the files in the mayor's office? ......... Did you see anything interesting outside? ......... Did you ask about you inventory items? ......... Did you ask about everything? ......... Did you ask about the sword? ......... DWARVEN MINES: Did you find a good source of light? ......... Do you know of a place to use that somewhere? ......... 'Course ya do! ......... Did they check out your sword? ......... That's good. Did you find you way through the mines? .......... If you make a wrong turn you go right back to where you started. .......... Do you already know that? .......... And I bet you know what is coming next. .......... 'Course ya do! .......... For the exact way through ........... L,R,S,R,L,R,S,R,L,L,R ........... That was a bit of a pain to get through! Page 14: ANCIENT RUINS: Have you found out who gets what yet? ........ Have you read up in the mayor's office? ........ Did you notice a difference about one of the statues? ........ Maybe the one in the center? ........ Maybe you should leave that one alone? ......... You cannot give him anything. .......... So you have given all the six statues something and it still does not work? .......... Are you having a problem with balance? .......... Maybe you need to give a little more? ......... One of the statues gets two items. ......... Here is the items in order from left to right: ......... Witch's stick Talon Thermozz (Center statue gets nothing) Box and helmet Sheild Tele-orb You know to put the disc in there, don't you? ......... 'Course ya do! ......... It will have to be complete first! ......... SO NOW HOW DO I GET BACK? There is another way around. ......... Have you checked out your map lately? ......... How are you going to get back there? ......... Click where you want to go on the map and you will be there! Page 15: CITADEL OF ZORK: Have you found it yet? ......... Have you found a place you cannot pass? ......... Try the Cliffs of Depression and turn around you will have an arrow to the left. ......... So how can you break through that blocked path? ......... Do you remember what Canuk said? ......... Do you suppose it is an illusion? ......... Do you know anything that can break illusions? ......... What about all those pieces you have been picking up? ......... Throw the disc at the blocked path? ......... You will have to have the disc re-forged for it to work. ......... In that case you need to go back to the ancient ruins. ......... HOW DO YOU GET PASSED THE ORC? Maybe it would be best if he did not see you? ......... You did figure out the puzzle from the ruins, didn't you? ......... So did you make the potion? ......... Well have a drink. ......... Have you beat up the orc yet? ......... Maybe there is another way? ......... Maybe you should check to files on hellhounds? ......... Maybe man's best friend can help? ......... Play the tape of Alexis to the orc. Page 16: WHAT ABOUT THAT BRIDGE? Maybe you should lighten your load? ......... Between downloading and uploading you should get it. ......... You will give up almost all of you items to get across the bridge. All except the photos, recorder, etc. ......... You might want to save before you go inside. ......... And brush up on your survivor skills. ......... You will have to beat Morphius at the game. There is no real hints here because of the variables. ......... Just remember how the game is played. ......... AND REMEMBER YOU CAN PASS!! ......... And you finally get to meet Rooper! ......... LOCATIONS OF THE DISC PIECES: 1. The ruins--complete puzzle first 2. Wait's gift--needs to be cleaned 3. Comic club--win contest first 4. Canuk--in bottle with ship 5. Lighthouse--2nd visit 6. Forest of spirits--Boar statue--open with sword Page 17: GENERAL TIPS AND HINTS: Mirrors reflect spells. Maximum illumination from Illumynite can be obtained by placing near radio speakers. The prototype Tele-orb can receive but it cannot send. With the puzzle all but 1 piece is visible until the correct arrangement of words is achieved. The dwarven sword needs to be blessed by the Holy Women of Bel Naire Temple. The object of the survivor game is to occupy the last remaining square on the board. Talons make good boomerangs. The cow only eats carrots. Milk is good for eyesight. The Tele-orb can be some kind of a lens. Blacksmith with broken sword---use "suspicious" The Troll leader---use "threaten" SHOW the coin for the ferry ride. Rooper turned Canuk into a duck. Magnets attract illumynite. Use flying disc of Frobozz to crack wall of illusion. All the disc pieces are hidden. The rats are in the boat the next time you go to use it. You need to be invisible to get passed to orc. You cannot hurt him but the Alexis tape will scare him off. Troll cavern: 1. Sword left 2. Sword up 3. Sword down Threaten the leader for the necklace. Combo to safe in the ship is in the top sail. You need to DIG UP the bonding plant with the knife. Key for the gift shop is behind the Old Mill. Use the crank on the bell at the school.