Electronic Texts Catalog Oregon State University, Extension Service Electronic texts which are currently available on OES.ORST.EDU. Most of the texts are available in plain text format, but can be converted to other formats. Many of the texts are courtesy of Project Gutenberg, an or- ganziation whose goal is to develop a library of 10,000 pub- lic domain electronic texts by the year 2000. To retrieve these documents, send the following request to almanac@OES.ORST.EDU: > send etext Where is the optional sub-topic and is the file name. If you wish to ftp these documents, they are available on OES.ORST.EDU in `/pub/data/etext'. Since Almanac can format documents dynamically, you may not find the desired format in /pub/data/etext. 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All works are in plain text format. File: aesop Title: Aesop's Fables Author: Aesop (tr. by George Fyler Townsend) Version: 1.0 File: aesopa Title: Aesop's Fables Author: Aesop Version: 1.0 File: alice Title: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Author: Lewis Carroll Version: 2.9 File: bible Title: The Holy Bible Version: 1.0 September 27, 1993 - 3 - File: break Title: Hymn Of Breaking Strain Author: Rudyard Kipling File: civil Title: Civil Disobedience Author: Henry David Thoreau File: crisis Title: "Producing the Proper Crisis" speech Author: Philip Agee File: crowd Title: Far From the Madding Crowd Author: Thomas Hardy Version: 1.3 File: declar Title: United States Declaration of Independence File: desert Title: Address to the Nation, Jan 16, 1991 Author: George Bush File: dict Title: Dictionary File: douglass Title: The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave Author: Frederick Douglass Version: 1.0 File: dream Title: "I Have a Dream" speech Author: Martin Luther King, Jr. September 27, 1993 - 4 - File: feder Title: The Federalist Papers Version: 1.2 File: flatland Title: Flatland Author: Edwin A. Abbott File: fox-in-socks Title: Fox in Socks Author: Dr. Seuss File: green-eggs Title: Green Eggs and Ham Author: Dr. Suess File: grimm Title: Grimm's Fairy Tales Author: The Brothers Grimm File: heart Title: Heart of Darkness Author: Joseph Conrad File: hisong Title: The Song of Hiawatha Author: Henry W. Longfellow Version: 1.2 File: jargon Title: The Jargon File Version: 296 File: kama-sutra Title: The Love Teachings of Kama Sutra Author: Vatasyayana (tr. by Indra Sinha) September 27, 1993 - 5 - File: lglass Title: Through the Looking Glass Author: Lewis Carroll Version: 1.6 File: magna Title: The Magna Carta File: mandrew Title: M'Andrew's Hymn Author: Rudyard Kipling File: martha Title: The Sons of Martha Author: Rudyard Kipling File: mormon Title: The Book of Mormon Version: 1.3 File: oedipus Title: The Oedipus Trilogy Author: Sophocles Version: 1.0 File: opion Title: O Pioneers! Author: Willa Cather Version: 1.1 File: paradise-lost Title: Paradise Lost Author: John Milton File: peru-const Title: Peru Constitution September 27, 1993 - 6 - File: peter Title: Peter Pan Author: James M. Barrie Version: 1.4a File: pilgrim Title: A Pilgrim's Way Author: Rudyard Kipling File: plboss Title: Paradise Lost Author: John Milton Version: 1.1 (transcribed by Judy Boss) File: plrabn Title: Paradise Lost Author: John Milton Version: 1.1 (transcribed by Joseph Raben) File: pride Title: Pride and Prejudice Author: Jane Austen File: problem Title: LSD: My Problem Child Author: Albert Hofmann File: rights Title: United States Bill of Rights File: roget Title: Roget's Thesaurus (1911) Version: 1.3 File: snark Title: The Hunting of the Snark Author: Lewis Carroll September 27, 1993 - 7 - Version: 1.2 File: starwars Title: Star Wars IV: A New Hope Author: George Lucas File: taiwan-const Title: Taiwan Constitution File: terance Title: Terance, This Is Stupid Stuff Author: A. E. Houseman File: thinketh Title: As A Man Thinketh Author: James Allen File: treason Title: No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority Author: Lysander Spooner File: trek-anim Title: Star Trek Episode Guide (animated series) Author: Saul Jaffe File: trek-orig Title: Star Trek Episode Guide (original series) Author: Saul Jaffe File: trek-tng Title: Star Trek: The Next Generation Episode Guide Author: Saul Jaffe File: us-const Title: United States Constitution September 27, 1993 - 8 - File: uscen90 Title: United States Census, 1990 Version: 1.1 File: world90 Title: The World Fact Book (1990) Author: Central Intelligence Agency Version: 1.2 File: world91a Title: The World Fact Book (1990) Author: Central Intelligence Agency File: wuther Title: Wuthering Heights Author: Emily Bronte File: xmas Title: The Night Before Christmas Author: Clement Clarke Moore