EXCLUSIVE TO EMS MAGAZINE-EMERGENCYNET NEWS SVC.03/28/93 EMERGENCY RESPONSE COMMUNITY CONTINUES STATE OF DENIAL An Editorial by Clark Staten, EMT-P, I/C For a number of years, (since 1982, in fact), this author has been advocating an increased sense of awareness and preparedness regarding international terrorism. Often these pronouncements have fallen on deaf ears or even been the subject of ridicule, as doctors, nurses, EMTs, and paramedics scoffed at the possibility of someone attacking the United States. All too frequently, I was told that I must be some kind of "right-wing-gun-nut-alarmist", who was "crying wolf" for the sake of personal aggrandizement. It appeared that the common opinion was that "it can't happen here". And, for several years, my critics were right...it didn't happen here. Then came a series of events. Treacherous in nature, invisible to many Americans, yet foreboding. To the trained observer, this chain of occurrences signalled a change in both the nature and intensity of the terrorist threat against the United States. First, in the mid to late 1980's, came an end to the Iraq/Iran war that had dragged on for several years. Concurrently, the organization of several Islamic Fundamentalist groups in Egypt, Syria, Jordan, the West Bank of Israel, and elsewhere became evident. Iran, free of it's wartime obligations, began to finance and train "cells" of independent Moslems who could carry the message of Allah to the "uneducated" in other countries. Two other major events spurred the rise of Islamic Fundamentalism. The failed invasion of Kuwait, and the subsequent defeat of Saddam Hussein and the country of Iraq allowed the Iranians to pursue their regional leadership ambitions. Secondarily, but no less important, was the breakup of the Soviet Union. Previously, the Soviets had been the prime benefactor of many terrorist organizations. With this financial and logistical support had come a measure of control, and the ability to direct Palestinian and other "liberationists". As both Iraq and the U.S.S.R. crumbled, the forces of Islamic Jihad or "Holy War" were unleashed in the Middle-East and elsewhere. The primary enemies of the Islamics were those that held their sacred "homeland" in Israel. The West Bank and Gaza Strip of the Hebrew country were a major point of contention with Palestinian "nationalists", who wanted it returned to them. Secondly, and more important to Americans, was a perception by Islamic clergy that all "Westerners" were a people of decadence, drunkenness, and open sexuality. Worst of all (in the view of the Moslems)...the American government supported the Israelis with diplomatic protection, military weapons and money. Since most of you at this point in the article are probably saying "O.K. so much for the history lesson..we don't care about the about a bunch of bearded guys in long robes, hanging out in Tehran... cut to the chase", I'll attempt to abbreviate the historical aspect and place all of these events of the past few years in perspective. America's strong support for the "Zionist Oppressors" of Israel is not in the best interests of Iran or the Palestinians. America is a country of "Infidels" or "the unfaithful", those that (allegedly) don't believe in Allah or the principles of the Koran. America is (again allegedly) a country of "sex, drugs, and rock & roll", and not in concurrence with Islamic law. America had previously shown "weakness" during the November, 1979 taking of the American Embassy and hostages in Tehran, and has shown an inconsistent (and largely ineffectual) international policy of dealing with terrorism throughout the 1980s and 90's. The combination of these facts, as viewed by Ayatollah Khamene'i and his cloistered advisors, has undoubtedly contributed to the rising swell of fundamentalist violence throughout the civilized world. With this said, it leads us to 1991 and an escalating series of devastating attacks on America and her allies. It began in earnest with a car bombing of the Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires, Venezuela that took more than twenty lives and injured hundreds. The alleged perpetrator was identified as Abu Yaser, a "local Argentinean supporter", who had converted to Islam. According to the Islamic Jihad, who claimed responsibility for the bombing, Yaser was a martyr in the cause of Islam who "struck like lightening a `Zionist Terrorist Base' in Argentina...and turned it upside down". The bombing was reportedly carried out in retaliation for an Israeli helicopter attack that had killed Islamic Sheik Abbas Musawi in February. Hundreds of attacks were carried out during the course of Operation Desert Shield and Desert Storm. Attacks on Israeli, British, French, and American Embassies throughout the Mideast became commonplace. During 1992, particularly in Turkey and Egypt, Islamic Fundamentalists have reportedly carried out dozens of car bombings and machine gun attacks against tourist buses and areas where "Western" visitors are known to congregate. U.S. intelligence reports were received that said that explosives had been confiscated, and "men of middle-eastern extraction" were arrested as they attempted to smuggle "plastique" into the United States from Canada. The number of incidents, or thwarted incidents, seemed to increase with each passing month. Early in 1993, a lone gunman, reportedly of Pakistani nationality and Islamic religion, allegedly attacked several employees of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) as they left work at the Langley, VA facility. At first, police thought that the shootings were merely the work of a "deranged gunman", and without political implications. Further investigation revealed, however, that Mir Aimal Kansi, who is accused of the assault on the CIA, had ties to a Pakistani Islamic organization and has fled to the mountain "hideout" of a radical moslem cleric in Afghanistan. Another interesting note involves the fact that one of those slain in the CIA raid was a senior analyst on the "Middle-East" desk, which maintains intelligence data on Middle-East terrorist groups. The incident that finally brought the reality of terrorism to America was, of course, the World Trade Center bombing in New York City. As the investigation of this devastating event continues, a larger and wider trail of evidence leads directly to Islamic Fundamentalists as the perpetrators. A recent report even suggests that a letter, accepting responsibility for the bombing, was written by a known Moslem and follower of radical Islamic Sheik Abdul-Rahman. The trail also probably leads to Egypt and a predominantly Moslem neighborhood where the violent overthrow of Egypt, Israel, and the United States is taken as a "religious duty". The "Intifada" or "Holy War" has begun in earnest. Since the terrorist strike in New York, Pakistani Fundamentalist have reportedly undertaken three major attacks in India, killing hundreds and injuring thousands. Major "fire fights" have taken place along the Lebanonese/Israeli border and in Cario, Egypt. Police stations have been bombed and officers have been killed in Algeria in Turkey. Radical Moslems have been reported as "running through the streets and stabbing people" in multiple attacks in Tel Aviv and other Israeli cities. The frequency and intensity continues of the threat continues to increase. If you have read this far, and to continue to deny that the very real possibility of terrorism, directed against the United States, exists...please read no farther. You will also probably deny that many of the skills necessary to effectively manage our planning and response to a terrorist incident are transferable to incidents of civil unrest and drug related violence. You are probably the same people who don't think that they could experience a hazardous materials release which could kill or maim hundreds or thousands. You are undoubtedly the last person to attend a "disaster drill", because "we don't need that make-believe mickey-mouse". And, you are still "sure" that "it can't happen here". In closing, I say to you....those unbelieving souls...that you should send me your address and that of your supervisor, so that I can plan to send flowers and attend the memorial services when your "head-in the-sand" attitude results in an unfortunate event that will cause your demise. Your failure to plan does not constitute an emergency on my part...but, it may cause one for you! Please...be careful out there..... Electronic (C) EmergencyNet NEWS, 1993 Exclusive to Emergency Magazine Emergency Response & Research Institute 5656 N. Moody St., Chicago, IL 60646 312-631-1101 - Voice/Messages-24hrs. 312-631-4703 - Fax " 312-631-3467 - Computer/Modem-EMERGENCY BBS-2400bps.-24hrs. 312-631-0517 - " " " " " " 312-631-3950 - " " " " 9600bps " 312-631-0987 - " " " " " "