FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE-EMERGENCYNET NEWS SVC.-08/10/93-1100CDT "SKINHEAD" HATE GROUPS SPREAD VIOLENCE ACROSS THE WORLD By: Clark Staten Chicago, IL - The meeting was small and held in a local tavern on Chicago's Southwest side. The attendees were a mixture of young men in their early 20's with extremely short haircuts, tattooed "bikers" with blue jean vests, and what appeared to be middle-aged blue collar workers. There were also several scantily-clad young women in halter tops and very short shorts. The drink of the day was Old Style Beer and a shot of Jose Quervo tequila or Jack Daniels whiskey. Strangely enough, everyone there seemed to be wearing boots . . . combat boots, engineer boots, cowboy boots, or workmen's boots, although most were also wearing shorts. The discussion of the day was about race . . . and hate . . . hate of anyone that wasn't white, protestant, and "right-thinking". According to law enforcement sources, this meeting is like dozens of others that go on everyday across America. This small and purposefully nameless group in Chicago is only a representation of the reported 50,000 members of White Supremacist organizations that exist in the United States. The younger generation of these "white power" advocates like to refer to themselves as "skinheads", and demonstrate their defiance against society and the other races by wearing their hair in a "buzz-cut" or extremely short hair style. In recent years, these skinheads have reportedly enthused new life into many older and more established groups like the Ku Klux Klan, Aryan Brotherhood, and White People's Party. The skinheads have been recruited in large numbers to provide the labor to distribute leaflets, perform menial chores, and provide the "muscle" for confrontations. The impetuousness and fury of youth also provides some motivation for violence that the skinheads seem to so readily display. It is this rage that has prompted the deaths of at least twenty-five people, in recent years, at the hands of youngsters with guns and Nazi leanings. While this may seem a relatively small number, it may only be the "tip of the iceberg" when it comes violent plots being planned or carried out against Jewish, Hispanic, and Black people. Evidence of this propensity has recently been demonstrated by the bombing of an Oregon NAACP office and the arrests of several people who were involved in a plot to bomb a Los Angeles church and start a "Race War". Arrested in California, in an alleged plot to attack the First African Methodist Episcopal (A.M.E.) church, were Christian G. Nadal, age 35, his wife Doris Nadal, age 41 and Christopher David Fisher, age 20. Fisher is also charged with conspiracy to lead a fifty (50) member group called the Fourth Reich Skinheads against the A.M.E. church and well-known black leaders. Allegedly, the Fourth Reich group had targeted such high-profile blacks as Rodney King, the Rev. Al Sharpton of New York, the rap group Public Enemy and others. Reportedly, the purpose in these attacks was to start "an all-out race war". The suspects were arrested just as they were completing a letter bomb to be sent to a well-known Orange County Rabbi. Confiscated were weapons, Nazi uniforms and paraphernalia, and explosives. The latest atrocity attributed to a neo-nazi has occurred within the past few days in the affluent Chicago suburb of Wilmette, IL. Arrested in the case was Jonathan Preston Haynes. According to the indictment, Haynes allegedly murdered Wilmette 68 year old plastic surgeon Martin R. Sullivan. According to investigators, Haynes had picked Sullivan's name out of a phone book and made an appointment under an assumed name. Haynes then went into the doctors waiting room and waited for a short period. When Doctor Sullivan called Haynes into the treatment room he pulled a .38 caliber handgun and shot the prominent physician at close range. Stranger and more bizarre than the act of assassination itself, is the purported motivation behind the killing. According to prosecutors, Haynes "condemns `fake Aryan cosmetics' that allow non-Aryans to look like members of the Master Race". Haynes was quoted by the Chicago Sun-Times as saying "I condemn bleached blond hair . . . I condemn tinted blue eyes . . . and I condemn fake Aryan facial surgery". Haynes continued his public tirade; "Stop feeding off the Aryan beauty like a horde of locusts in a field of wheat". Haynes concluded by saying "I consider it an honor to give my life to this (Nazi) cause". Haynes is also alleged to have written an open letter to other "white comrades" in which he compares himself to Adolf Hitler and offers to send Nazi artwork to those requesting it. During the Haynes interrogation, he has reportedly also claimed responsibility for the May 27, 1987 killing of a San Francisco hairdresser named Frank Ringi. Haynes admitted to making an appointment with Mr. Ringi and then shooting him at point blank range. Haynes said that his motivation for the Ringi shooting was similar in nature to why he killed Dr. Sullivan. Ringi specialized in hair bleaching and coloring. Police say that they will run ballistics tests to determine if the weapon that killed Sullivan is the same that killed Ringi. Police are also reportedly questioning Mr. Joseph Dilys of the 3700 block of South Union in Chicago, as Mr. Dilys is mentioned in some correspondence found in Haynes' possession. Unconfirmed reports say that Dilys is an alleged leader of a local "white supremacist" group in the Chicago area. This phenomena is not limited to the United States. In Germany, a tremendous resurgence of neo-nazi violence directed against foreigners has prompted the German government to outlaw certain groups and to take extraordinary measures against those advocating a return to the "Fourth Reich". Firebombings, arson, beatings, rioting, and shootings seem the order of the day. The Federal Office of Criminal Investigation, which is charged with monitoring and prosecuting hate crimes, says that 6,336 "racist attacks" occurred during 1992 and that this figure is 160% increase over 1991. A recent report from that office said more than 1,339 attacks had already occurred in the first three months of 1993. Turkish nationals have increasingly become the target of choice for neo-nazis in Germany, with five separate attacks coming during a fateful weekend in early June of 1993. Attacks took place in Soest, Hattingen, Konstanz, Hanau, Bad Oldesloe. A week earlier, on May 29, 1993, five (5) Turkish nationals were killed in Solingen by an arson fire that took the lives of the three women and two children. Federal police say that all of the fires were suspected of being set by members of a right-wing neo-nazi extremist group. The latest German incident took place on August 4, 1993, when suspected neo-nazis firebombed a home of a Turkish family in Pulheim; three people were hospitalized for smoke inhalation and shock. Swastikas were found, painted on the walls of the building, by police who are investigating the latest round of rightist violence. Some investigators have drawn links between neo-nazis in Germany and some groups in the United States. Others have attributed the "Nazi Skins" to a cultural movement that originated in England in the 1970's. Many observers say that what had originally begun as a political and fashion statement has mutated into a far more dangerous and life-threatening movement. Former "punks", motivated by a downturn in the American economy and increased "civil rights" and quota programs for minorities, became more violent in their protest against those that they perceived as the source of their problems. Certainly, the propaganda and paraphernalia of the Nazi-Skins are remnants of a failed 1930-40s era of Nazi glorification. The "roots" of many white supremacist ideologies are founded in a dislike of foreigners and "those of color". The neo-nazis are also known for their fundamentalist Christian ethnic that declares that black people were created by God "in error", and that Judaism is a religion that advocates economic control and manipulation of politicians, the media, and non-jews. More frightening than the fact that the Nazi-skins already exist is the fact that younger and younger members are being drawn to the trappings and ideology of violence that the neo-nazis offer. Youngsters as young as twelve are reportedly participating in rallys and survivalist meetings, often brought there by their parents who also believe in white supremacist teachings. Reports have been received of very young teenagers being involved in the "stompings" of foreigners by skinhead organizations. And, the violence only seems to escalate. The atrocities described continue to occur in increasing numbers, and the number of Nazi-Skins continues to grow. Groups from Chicago, Portland, Atlanta, Dallas, Billings, New York, and other places too numerous to mention, say they are waiting . . . waiting for the racial holy war that will allow them the opportunity to take (with force) the land and rights that Adolf Hitler promised them fifty years ago... and that they feel that they deserve. In the process it is extremely possible that everyone will suffer the Armageddon that the Nazi-Skins are working so hard to cause. -30- (C) EmergencyNet NEWS Service Emergency Response & Research Institute 5656 N. Moody St., Chicago, IL 60646 (312) 631-1101 - Voice/Voice Mail (312) 631-4703 - Fax (312) 631-3467 - Computer/Modem-EMERGENCY BBS-2400bps-24hrs. (312) 631-3950 - " " " " 9600bps " (312) 631-0987 - " " " " 9600bps " (312) 631-0517 - " " " " 14,400bps "