*** PRINT THIS OUT AND CIRCULATE AND GATHER SIGNATURES *** Preamble We the undersigned do hereby declare that until and unless this petition is OBEYED AND REGULARLY PRACTICED BY CONGRESS, THAT NO LAWS CREATED BY THEM HAVE ANY EFFECT IN LAW OR BEARING UPON THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Section 1. The Congress of the United States of America shall make available to the people of this nation an abstract of each law that they are considering for passage into law in any upcoming session in either the House of Representatives or the Senate. The bills in abstract form shall be presented to the people on a weekly basis and in a format that computer Networks can easily broad cast to the people. Section 2. If and when such a network of citizens has become large enough to represent the full majority will of the people on any given bill, each individual Congress person shall be given a copy of the polling of the people regarding any particular issue that they may deem important. Any Congress person may use this information along with other information before making his/her decision on casting his/her vote in Congress. Section 3. The votes of all Congress men and women will, from this day forth remain public and open to inspection by the people at any time and for any purpose. _____________________________________________________________________ signed date _______________________________________________________________________ address _______________________________________________________________________ signed date _______________________________________________________________________ address _______________________________________________________________________ signed date _______________________________________________________________________ address _______________________________________________________________________ signed date _______________________________________________________________________ address _______________________________________________________________________ signed date _______________________________________________________________________ address _______________________________________________________________________ signed date _______________________________________________________________________ address _______________________________________________________________________ signed date _______________________________________________________________________ address _______________________________________________________________________ signed date _______________________________________________________________________ address MAKE COPIES AND TRY TO GET 100 SIGNATURES OR MORE. MAIL SIGNED PETITIONS TO: THE UNLEARNING FOUNDATION P.O. BOX 7885 SANTA CRUZ, CA 95060 (408) 423-8580