< TRY HITTING ANY NUMBER KEY TO AUTO-SCROLL > <..and you can read with HANDS FREE.> WELCOME to 'MONEY-MAKING MAGAZINE' Copyright 1993 Vol. 1. No.1 Everything you need to know to make informed investment decisions in the 90's and beyond! SUBSCRIBING IS LIKE PLAYING A COMPUTER GAME - ONLY BETTER! WE HAVE A UNIQUE WAY way to get you to become a subscriber to this electronic magazine. We are running a contest each month in which you can win $2,000 and more as we get bigger. The way you win is to call our 900# WHICH IS AVAILABLE IN THE NEXT CHAPTER. WE ALSO HAVE A MOVIEW REVIEW HOTLINE FOR YOU TO USE TO ENTER OUR SWEEPSTAKES. During the call you will get a clue to our CONTEST PUZZLE --- OUR FAVE RAVE MOVIE OF THE MONTH. Remember it and write this clue down on your subscription form to enter the contest. ********************** You can win up to $5,000 every month, simply by becoming a subscriber to this magazine and by calling our MOVIE REVIEW HOTLINE. On this 900#, you will hear a compilation of all the BEST MOVIE REVIEWS in the country and what we feel is a composite or a CONSENSUS of all these opinions. Therefore, you will get the country's best advice on whether or not to go spend your valuable time and money on a movie as viewed by the all the country's top Movie Reviewers. People like Rex Reed, Gene Shallit, Siskel and Ebert, Lyons and Medved, and hundreds of respected newspaper columnists go into the makeup of these reviews. So, you get a clear consensus on whether or not to see all the new movies and whether or not to waste your time and money. WHAT'S THIS CONTEST ALL ABOUT? When you listen to these reviews of current movie releases, somwhere in the message, usually at the end, we tell you about what we have CHOSEN AS OUR 'FAVE RAVE' OF THE MONTH! When you hear these words, right down the name of the movie we are RAVING ABOUT. Then, print up our subscription form, you'll find at the end of the Main Menu. Then fill it out and send it in to become a Subscriber. Our rate is a very low Introductory $15.00 per year. Less than any other magazine you might find on the Newsrack, mainly because we don't have to ever use up valuable forest and paper resources. So, here's how you BENEFIT as a subscriber. 1. You get this information at the nation's lowest subscription rate. 2. You get movie reviews that will actually help you SAVE YOUR TIME AND MONEY, by not investing it in the LOSERS. 3. You get a Long Distance Service that is guaranteed to be the lowest of any Long Distance Discount Plan in the country. This alone saves you the cost of your subscription every month! 4. You get a Contest in which you can win thousands of dollars in cash and we also give away several valuable prizes every month. So, you can't lose, and you are actually going to gain financially and you'll become a better and wiser person by becoming a subscriber. So, don't wait. Pick up the phone right now, while you're thinking about it and listen to our Movie Reviews. Or print out the Movie 900# and put it in a place that is conspicuous so that you can make the call when you get nearer to the weekend. OK? The call costs an average of $6.00, but even at this price you are still saving money because of all the services we offer here. And, more than likely, you'll win a couple thousand cool dollars in the next several months because our subscriber base right now is very low. This is a completely new magazine. Therefore, you can figure that your odds of winning are better than any other contest of its kind in the country. So, subscribe now. The contest is open only to SUBSCRIBERS ONLY. But once you have become a subscriber you can re-enter each month's contest simply by calling our 900# and listening to the new movie reviews and waiting to hear our new FAVE RAVE OF THE MONTH - EVERY MONTH. Then, you merely send in your name and address on a plain piece of paper with the FAVE RAVE OF THE MONTH printed on it and you are automatically entered from that point forward for free. Sooner or later, if you're lucky, you're going to win. And even if you don't win the BIG CASH PRIZE, which will go up as we get more subscribers, you might win a Home Entertainment System, or a new computer, or any of dozens of computer add-ons, like printers, monitors, hard drives, Fax/Modems, etc. Now, you don't have to listen to our 900# movie reviews to become a subscriber. All you have to do to subscribe is print out the form, fill it in and send it in. But without the FAVE RAVE MOVIE OF THE MONTH, you will not be entered into the contest. So, the contest makes it much more fun, and more profitable for us, too which gives us the funds to pay out the prizes, so you see it's a WIN-WIN situation. Looking forward to hearing from you. AND WHILE YOU'RE AT IT, please PRINT OUT, FILL OUT AND SEND IN, our LONG DISTANCE SAVINGS PLAN FORM TOO. ... With this plan, you are guaranteed to save at least 10% off of your CURRENT DISCOUNT CALLING PLAN. Now, that's saying a TON. It means that if you are not already using a Discount Calling Plan, ours will save you at least 25% off your monthly Long Distance phone bill, because most savings plans are designed to cut this rate by about 15%. Add our 10% ADDITIONAL SAVINGS AND YOU'RE STARTING TO SAVE BIG MONEY! And they'll even pay the $5.00 fee your local phone company is going to charge you to make the switch. Most services don't even tell you about that, let alone, pay for it. But ours does. So, it costs you nothing to start saving money right away. We benefit too because we earn a small commission on your monthly phone bill, because we are a Non-Profit Organization and this company generously donates to our cause if we get them subscribers. So, we see this as a great way to do business. We give something to the community and they give back to us too. If the government could only work this well! If you own a business, this could amount to several hundred or even several thousand dollars per year that you can spend on something else or just pocket it yourself. So, you see, we have designed several different ways for our subscribers to save far more money than they spend on us. If every company did this for their customers, the world would be a very fair and reasonable place to live, don't you agree? We think this is a great way for both of us to get what we need. We as publishers need subscription income to pay our staff, and you need a way to save money, not spend. In this game, we have both a savings plan and a spending plan, but the savings greatly outweighs the spending. So, we both come out ahead. AND, we are not even including the hundreds of dollars you might save by taking some of the recommendations you will read about in this highly informative magazine. We will always be one step ahead of other computer magazines because we never have to wait for the printer or the mailman. When we finish our new issues, they're available on bulletin board systems all across the world. This electronic magazine is a series of text files & GRAPHICS which can be read here on your computer screen. If you want to print, any of these chapters however, all you do is hit the 'P' key to print it out on your printer. If you need help, you merely hit the HELP IS ALWAYS AVAILABLE AT THE TOP MENU ON YOUR SCREEN YOU CAN ALSO USE THE SEARCH MENU ABOVE TO QUICKLY ACCESS ANY SUBJECT YOU ARE MOST INTERESTED IN. Try it now if you need immediate information on new Hard Drives or Optical Drives or Data Base Managers, just Search for it in the menu on top and the program will take you to all our mentions of the subject in hand. We want to point out that this is the first version, the first volume of an ON-GOING, ON-LINE HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE REVIEW MAGAZINE. If you become a subscriber, you will have a magazine that you can pop into your computer that you can call upon quickly and easily and YOU WILL HAVE LOTS OF NEWS AND REVIEWS ON ALL THE LATEST HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE UPGRADES AND INTRODUCTIONS in the computer marketplace. This should save you hundreds of dollars and save you lots of time as well, since this magazine can prevent you from making bad buying decisions. So, please become a subscriber and to that end, we have come up with a very unique way to get you to subscribe. Remember, our Long Distance Savings Plan can save you at least 10% over any other savings plan you might be using now. If you don't have a savings plan it will save you about 25% on your Long Distance Phone bill. Now, for the average household that equals about $10.00 per month and if for the average business, about $135.00 per month. So, if you know a business where they use the phones, give them our sign-up form. At any rate, by subscribing to this magazine, you will save at least $10/mo. Since our subscription fee is only $15.00 per year, you're $90/per year ahead already. AND BY USING THIS PROGRAM, WE'LL SAVE YOU MUCH MORE. Everyone needs to upgrade their computer system sooner or later and this magazine will help you avoid the pitfalls and spend your money more effectively, saving you perhaps hundreds of dollars per year or more. So, to subscribe, all you have to do is print up the appropriate Long Distance Sign-Up Sheet. To do this you just go to the chapter for either Residential, Business or 800# service, then hit the 'P' key and the form will print out on your printer. Fill it in with your name and address, etc. and mail it in to us. Our Organization will appreciate it and we'll put your on our list of subscribers. You'll then receive updates to this magazine several times a year. Each one will be packed with money-saving and money-making information. And if you're really interested in making money, order our companion publication, 'MONEY-MAKING MAGAZINE'. You'll find it, along with other electronic books of ours in the catalog. If you want to order any of these just make a note on the order form. By the way, we're looking for advertisers too! Call us..... 1-408-423-858 ( FOR THE WINDOWS VERSION ONLY ... ) WE'D LIKE TO CREDIT THE FOLKS AT FARALLON AND THE LATEST VERSION OF REPLICA WITH WHICH THIS MAGAZINE WAS MADE. It's a very nice program, easy to use and learn and doesn't even require much of a manual. The disk comes with a short pamphlet describing how to get started with the program. Then, basically all you do is make your document using your favorite Windows Word processor. Ours is still Word for Windows from Microsoft. Then, you print your document to a Replica Print driver much like you do a fax document to a Winfax driver instead of the printer. Then, Replica pops up and converts your document into what you are reading now. A very nice and easy way to create Windows programs for people and especially nice for magazine publishers like ourselves, but you could also use it for corporate training manuals, electronic brochures, or even sophisticated E-mail products. We like it very much and will continue to be a Farallon user. Their competition right now seems to be Acrobat from Adobe. But Acrobat requires the end user to buy a copy of Acrobat at about $60 - $90 each. Replica actually creates a reader version of your product and is a runtime version which means the reader, like yourself, doesn't have to invest any significant money to read your docs. We like Replica better for this kind of publishing for this and other reasons we'll get into in a more detailed review.