THIS IS THE LAST CHAPTER OF OUR FIRST ISSUE. WE HAVE GIVEN YOU THE VERY BEST we can to kick things off! In future issues we will have money saving, tax-saving ideas for you and the latest ideas from our readers on how to best achieve these goals. Perhaps your thoughts and dreams will be among them. It's just the first issue and the ideas here are mainly our own, with a few borrowed from the greats like Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, John Adams and many more. We want you to REMEMBER, that this is a new kind of electronic publication which shall have its final form from the input of our subscribers and readers. When you send us your subscription form with a token donation of $10.00, which makes you a subscriber, you will get back a savings on your Long Distance Phone Bill, but you will also get something far more precious than money. You will get the knowledge that you have done something for your country that may last another thousand years. Hundreds of generations of Americans will remember this generation and how we all came together in this revolutionary new way, utilizing the wondrous new technology of the personal computer to compile the wisdom of millions of people into one harmonious and single-minded thought. THAT WE CAN RE-INVENT OUR GOVERNMENT AT ANY TIME, AND WE CAN DO IT PEACEFULLY, GRACEFULLY AND WITH LITTLE OR NO DISCORD. For who amongst us will stand up and say that they DO NOT BELIEVE in more democracy? Only the foolhardy, the wicked and the stale will be able to screw up such bold hot air! Only the senile, the crooked and the twisted will be able to stand there and say with any sincerity that the majority of Americans lack the wisdom to rule themselves. Yet, there will be those who try to deceive us with their twisted logic, stale metaphors and crooked tales. Don't be misled by these sycophants and demagogues, these lap-dogs of the Established Order! Remember always that they had their chance and they blew it. No matter what evil they predict will befall you, there is no evil worse than what they have already done to us. Oh, yes there is. If given any more time, they will have us all in chains, working as indentured servants to pay off THEIR DEBTS! And it is THEIR DEBTS, not ours that overhang our economy weighing us down like a huge burden strains the poor donkeys in the third world. We are the donkeys of this world, if we continue to obey their rules. For it is our Present Republican form of government that gave us Watergate, VietNam, and Reagan-omics, and Bushonomics and now Clintonomics. It is their shopping sprees we are now asked to pay for. Not a single one of us ever voted for any of their crazy spending schemes! Not a single American voter, voted for things like sending troops to Somalia, sending money & troops to Nicaragua, sending money & weapons Egypt and hundreds of other half-crazed, half-starved places. None of us voted to allow the dictators to open up Swiss Bank Accounts with our money, yet somehow all these things happen and they will continue without your putting your collective feet down. Several dozen countries now possess thousands of atomic bombs they can use in New York city or Dallas or L.A. or Chicago or Atlanta any time they want. And it was American taxpayer's dollars that built these weapon stockpiles around the world. They don't tell you that in the Establishment media, because they don't want you to know how your government is run. But we do, and we will continue to give you the TRUTH! AND THE TRUTH IS, we don't stand a chance to survive without your help and support. Your government will shut us down and silence this voice forever without the aid and support of our fellow Americans. We are the only voice of Real Democracy out there. We are making a small cry, heard only in the dry desert wind. We need to add your voice, and then more voices until we are so loud, everyone will hear us regardless of the weather or any other noise around them. And it must begin with you! When you subscribe to this new and totally unique electronic experience, you will be signing on to the biggest experiment in Real Democracy since this country was founded. With your support, we can build a National Initiative & Referendum Process that will stand for a thousand years. Capable of solving any crisis, able to offer solutions that political minds would never dream of, capable of representing the will of the majority in such a clean, incorruptible way, able to use the technology of instantaneous communications, using the most modern technology, this method of voting for issues by placing them on the NATIONAL BALLOT, is an IDEA WHO'S TIME HAS COME! We all complain about the lack of choice in our elections. Every four years we hear the same sad lament about no ONE INDIVIDUAL on the ballot who we can truly trust. This last election is a prime example. In the most interesting and exciting new kind of race for the Presidency in decades, we still were offered the choice between a crazy, paranoid, billionaire who kept saying he'd never stop representing us and then quitting, and a guy who lied like hell about his military service and his affairs with women, and another ho-hum kind of President who "just didn't get it". All elections are like this. That is, all elections in the PAST. IN THE FUTURE, THE VERY NEAR FUTURE, GOD WILLING, we might see, besides these very gifted salesmen, issues placed on the ballot for us to solve them by voting on various plans submitted by ordinary people, not by lawyers. First, we should see plans to fix our dilapidated and wasteful and demeaning Welfare system. We will also find all kinds of Income Tax Reform ON THE BALLOT. We will also find ways to stimulate the economy. In Washington, they just talk things like this for decades. Then, long after the problem has gone away, painfully, they go ahead and solve it. Then, they take credit for doing something the economy has already done on its own, with the aid and suffering and hard work of millions of us. Well, we are saying, why not work real hard, one more time, in a kind of fun, experimental, exciting new way. Let's work to get the ability to have National Democracy once and for all in this country. Then, let's sit back and enjoy the fruit of our labor as we gradually shape this nation into something we all can live with. Finally, I want to leave you with something Bobby Kennedy once said. He probably didn't write it, but he said it and it has always stuck in my mind ever since the day I heard him say it. He said, "Some people merely sit and wonder why, I wonder why not." You see, Reality depends on how you look at it. Some people will say that America is finished, moribund, decaying, dying. These people will not want to help us change things. But others, and hopefully you are among them, will see these times as times of great challenge and a call for new thinking, a time for using all our wonderful new technology for improving and re-building. This must be why even President Clinton has caught the spirit of the land and called for us to "RE-INVENT THE GOVERNMENT". Well, my dear reader, you couldn't have a more clear invitation to make some BIG CHANGES. MAKE THEM WITH US, PLEASE. No other organization is willing to give you as much Freedom as we do because we alone have FAITH AND CONFIDENCE IN THE MAJORITY OF PEOPLE. Most of us are good and kind to animals and we put our pants on one leg at a time. Most of us have to bills to pay. Most of us try to raise our children with consideration for others, with a love of their country, with a love of their planet, with a respect for the law, with a kind and gentle nature, with a willingness to learn, to be open, to watch out for danger, to be wary of strangers, to eat healthy, nutritious foods. We have far more in common than we have differences. This is the foundation of Real Democracy, is it not? Democracy can only work in a place such as this, does that not make perfect sense? Only a nation as great as this could find the will, the purpose in experimenting with such high ideals, don't you think? Only a nation such as this was meant to last for a thousand years, don't you agree? Only a people such as we are would have the courage, the willingness to stand up and be counted, to put a little of our comfort on the line, don't you feel it? Only a nation called America, composed of a people called Americans would have the heart and the desire, the will and the tenacity, the muscle, the grit and the guts to stand up to any bully who dared to hold us down, hold us back or keep us under his thumb! It's time that every one of us took up the torch and held it high. We are losing our freedoms one by one. Our government sits idly by as our country loses more and more respect around the world. Our government is so stressed and strained and tearing at the seams that criminals over-run our streets. Few of us feel comfortable to walk alone in most of our cities. The war on drugs drags on and there are no solutions except for heavy-handed police tactics. The economy crawls along and there are no solutions offered us except to raise taxes. The health care of millions of people is in jeopardy and there are no solutions except to raise our taxes. Our military power is being stripped and starved and moth-balled and there are no solutions offered except to put 'gays' in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines. There are always going to be problems, but we need a method of solving them that comes from the people, not at them, as Ross Perot is fond of saying. But the only way to do that, is not to simply exchange bodies in Congress. The only way to have real solutions that COME FROM THE PEOPLE IS TO GIVE THE PEOPLE A WAY TO BE HEARD. This is all we are demanding. This is all we want. We don't stand for or against any particular issue, we want only for the MAJORITY TO DECIDE THEM ALL. We can live with the fact that at times, we will not agree with the majority, but the majority of times we probably will. It is far better to live in a nation where we agree with our government most of the time than to live in one where we disagree with what they do most of the time! And the latter is what we have today. YOU CALL THIS A DEMOCRACY? There is no DEMOCRACY until you give the people the chance to place new ideas on the ballot and then LET THE MAJORITY DECIDE THE ISSUE. In this first Issue, we have given you just a small glimpse into the power of this idea. We have also given you a hint of what's to come. In our future issues, once a month, we will be showing you how to finance this great change. Because President Clinton has given us the ability to join him and the only way to truly RE-INVENT A NEW GOVERNMENT, as he wants us to, is to WITHHOLD INVESTMENT IN THE OLD ONE, SO THAT WE HAVE SOMETHING TO INVEST IN THE NEW ONE. In our very next issue, we're going to show you how to that as an individual taxpayer. There are legal ways and moral justification aplenty for not paying your Income Tax to a corrupt and defunct government so that a new one may arise quicker and then, and only then, will you have true representation as a taxpayer. When, and only when, you and I get to vote on the spending plans of our government do we truly have a democracy and the moral obligation to pay our fair share. When people who take bribes, intentionally write bad checks and otherwise defraud the American people each and every day are the ONLY ONES TELLING US TO PAY OUR FAIR SHARE, WE HAVE THE MORAL RESPONSIBILITY TO REFUSE! The IRS did a survey recently and an independent research group told them that there were at least 10 MILLION American taxpayers who had simply refused to send in any more tax returns. If this is true, then they have no right to ask the rest of us to send in our tax returns year after year. And they certainly have no right to raise our income taxes as they just did, until we can all be assured that everyone in America is doing the same. If you are taxing only the ones who are crazy enough or afraid enough to continue to send in a tax return, then you have an invalid set of assumptions if you assume that Income tax is fair, equitable and just. By the mere admission that there are 10 Millions people who are supposed to file, but don't, you are admitting that your tax system is unjust, unfair, and descriminates against those of us who are left to carry the burden. It is our humble opinion that until they can assure us of the inability or anyone to get away with not filing, then the rest of us filing is an extra-legal thing. It's illegal for the rest of us to drop out too. It's not legal, but if there are 10 Million who don't, then the system is so far corrupted that it's crazy for the rest of us to file! Pretty soon there might be a couple hundred people filing their tax returns each with a FINAL PAYMENT OF 100 BILLION DOLLARS TO PAY FOR THE GOVERNMENT. This isn't fair. Neither is our present system, where 10 Million people go scott free and the rest of us have our taxes raised to make up the difference. No, this Income Tax thing was a bad idea to begin with! No one wanted it in this country. The Congress voted it into existence over the uproar of all their constituents because they knew it would be a great way for them to rob us blind, and that has proven to be true! Prior to 1933, there was no Income Tax, no IRS. But Congress saw a way to enrich themselves and have lots of money left over for plenty of wasteful government programs. Millions of people sent their congressmen letters begging, pleading with them not to pass an Income Tax legislation Almost no one wrote them asking them to go ahead and take money out of their pay, as you might expect. But they went right ahead and did it anyway. This in a democracy? Well, since they got away with this criminal affair, they realized that they could probably get away with anything and they've been trying ever since to re-invent new ways to RIP OFF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE! Oh, sure, every once in a while they throw us dogs a bone. But, by and large, legislation from Washington DC is so badly written that any school child could tell you how it wouldn't work, would be too costly or ineffective. And that's all we have gotten out of our government in the last several decades. We all know it now, and so millions of us don't even bother to help pay for the craziness coming from our nation's capital. AND IT'S A NATIONAL DISGRACE. NO WONDER THEY WANT TO RE-INVENT THE GOVERNMENT. It's way past time! We're going to help them. Each and every one of us will participate we hope. You won't find the above statement in any text book in any school in America. Nor will you find it in any other publication save this one. So, please SAVE THIS ONE. Become a subscriber and you'll save money too. Please go to the appropriate LONG DISTANCE AGREEMENT. If you only have a residential phone, go to that chapter. if you own a business or have an interest in one, go to the Business Form, print them up, fill them in and send it in to us with a check for $10.00 We also take VISA or MASTERCARD, if you want to charge your donation. If you want you can donate more. But all we need is to be your Long Distance Savings Plan to make all the hopes and dreams of millennium come true in our lifetimes. So, please DO IT NOW, before you forget or get distracted by that great game coming up on TV. <<<<< GO TO NEXT CHAPTER AND PRINT IT OUT >>>>> We promise you that in future issues you will find information you can't find anywhere else. We will save you thousands of your tax dollars and we will save your country to give it whole and pure AND CLEAN once again to your children. There is no better gift than this, is there? God Bless America! The Publishers The Unlearning Foundation P.O. Box 7885 Santa Cruz, CA 95061