****************************************************** SUPPORT US AND STOP PAYING INCOME TAXES NOW! ****************************************************** We even have a way for you to stop paying Income Taxes right now if that's what you wish to do. For anyone sending in their signed Petition and including a donation of $50.00 or more, we will send out by return mail, a booklet that we have prepared on HOW TO STOP PAYING TAXES NOW, LEGALLY. Through years of careful research we have learned how many super-rich people in this country avoid the payment OF ANY INCOME TAX by setting up personal Trusts. Done the right way, anyone can avoid paying Income Taxes and can prevent even the IRS from getting their hands on any of your assets. There are other legal ways of avoiding Income Taxes that can be applied by any taxpayer regardless of income level. This book alone can save you literally thousands of dollars per year. AND TO STOP PAYING TAXES IS PATRIOTIC TOO! How can we make such a claim? Because the present government is illegal and therefore all money paid to it by the tax-payer is also illegal. Most people would not go so far as to say that the American government is illegally in power, but we will. We base this opinion on several recent events. The elected representatives don't represent us. It is not even disputed in Congress that all Congress men and women take money from Lobbyists and special interest groups like the National Rifle Association, and there are many thousands of these industry lobbyists who have a budget to pay off Congress people. This is not a crime. Congress made it legal, therefore no one will go to jail for buying the votes of Congress, but in fact, this is what happens every day. It is our opinion that until the day that the Congress makes it ILLEGAL TO TAKE MONEY FROM LOBBYISTS, THE CONGRESS ITSELF IS ILLEGALLY GATHERED because it cannot represent the will of the majority when they take money from the minority. Any industry lobby is in the minority on almost every issue. If you cannot represent the will of those people who elected you to office, then the entire Congress is a fraud on the American people! Some people might call this an extreme point of view. But if you think about it, discuss it rationally with your peers, you might come to the same conclusion. You must ask yourself, what the Congress is doing while taking this money. They are certainly not doing anything in the public's own interest. A perfect example is the recent passage of the Brady Bill which makes a five-day wait to buy a gun the National law. During this five day period, the gun purchaser will be examined to find out if he or she has commited any felonies. If the records show that he has, the gun cannot be sold. This law should have been passed the day that it became legal to own a handgun. You can't drive a car without getting a driver's license in this country, but for decades, you had the right to own a lethal weapon, far more lethal than a car without any license or background check of any kind. Hundreds of thousands of people were killed because of the absence of any real gun control laws in this country. Congress people are smart. They read the papers and they knew that we were the only nation who allowed such liberal use of hand-guns. Yet, they did nothing for decades while innocent people were gunned down in the streets. And now they finally pass this law because public sentiment finally became outraged enough to the point where they were embarassed into passing it. But it is so late in the law that there are already millions of guns in the hands of evil-doers. When many more people are murdered by punks on drugs, the Gun Lobbyists will say, "See we told you so, gun control doesn't work!" But the only reason it will not work is because because of their efforts gun restrictions were passed too late. The horse was already out of the barn. We could site hundreds, if not thousands, of examples of why this Government is presently illegal. We want to hold something for later issues. The only object of all these arguments is to show you the reader that is far more patriotic to force your government on a leaner diet. By participating in this Petition, this is what you will do. By taking up and controlling the purse-strings, they will eventually learn that they cannot get away with being an illegal Congress and they will start to do things that please us as voters and taxpayers and finally someday, we may be proud of our Congress men and women. Money is always the root of all evil. By controlling the money, we control the amount of evil in government. This won't cure all our ills, but it is the best start we can make and the momentum gained will continue for hundreds of years. Please go on the Petition Chapter, read it, print it, sign it and send it in.