*********************************************************** THE NATIONAL TAX REVOLT - CHAPTER THREE THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN DO ALL THESE THINGS IS YOU. Well, we are going to sum up in this chapter and try to keep this book to a minimum of words so that everyone can read it quickly and take some action. In the next version, we will discuss in further details some of the concepts mentioned here in the first version. We want to get some of your feedback before we go any further. After all, if we don't all RE-INVENT THE NEXT GOVERNMENT together, it wouldn't really be democratic, would it? That's why we need to help President Bill Clinton and Vice President Al Gore, jr. They have issued us the most important and significant challenge to our people than any American President since Abraham Lincoln. Old Abe goes down in history as being one of the greatest statesman of all time because he would give his life for the sake of the Union. Many people feel that he had a great deal of sympathy for the plight of the Black Man, but historians tell us that Abe Lincoln's fight was a fight to save the precious United States of America, and if he helped Blacks gain their freedom, that was good too. And we are now in the exact same condition that this great country was in, back in 1860 and we are luckily led by a great President. Surely, you might not agree with everything Bill Clinton has fostered, but I strongly hope that RE-INVENTING GOVERNMENT is the greatest concept in the world and any President of the United States who fosters this notion is going to go down in history right along with Old Abe Lincoln. There's only one catch. He can't do it himself. He, and all presidents before him, have proven that he doesn't have all the wisdom in the world by and of himself. It's the wisdom of the American people that matters most and that will be needed the most in this next great Civil War. And make no mistake, it will be a war. Though a non-violent war, a war it will be to wrest the power from the politically priviledged and take it back where it belongs, in the hands of ordinary people. They will say that we're all crazy. They will say that it's impossible. They will say it's too expensive to take everyone's vote on any given solution. Yet, the expense of not doing so has been demonstrated! They will cite the same survey I have cited already to tell us that we're not smart enough to manage our own government. They will tell us that we're going to ruin our country. They will tell us all kinds of lies and make up all kinds of rules to try and thwart this movement towards democracy. But what we have on our side is the truth and perhaps, more importantly, we have the help of the President of the United States himself. He can't back down now, unless we let him. We have to show him now by the actions we take in the next few months and years that we are not apathetic about politics and that we do care enough about our country to get involved and contribute something, even if only a couple hours a week. We must show him that we support the idea of RE-INVENTING THE GOVERNMENT, and to the point that we want to re-invent it so well that it can never fail us again. We have to RE-INVENT GOVERNMENT AND DO SUCH A GOOD JOB OF IT, that there are never major recessions and depressions again where so many people suffer. We must do such a good job that we are never afraid of being wrongly convicted of a crime. We must do such a good job that can sleep peacefully in our homes, not worried about an invasion of our privacy, the destruction of our families. We must re-invent government to such a degree that we can have no more Viet Nams. We must do such a good job that we are never waiting in line for gasoline or any energy source to keep our economy running. We must do such a good job that the rest of the world will stop in their tracks, take notice of a people truly on the move for a Real Change. We must show the rest of the world that Real Democracy can and will work so much better than anything that's ever been tried. We must do such a great job that we are all living in a country that cooperates and gives with its heart and soul the best and the most it can be every day. In short, we have to have you involved. We must all work on this project, daily, because it's a big job, an important job, but a job that needs to be done and done correctly. When Americans are faced with such a challenge they usually respond in an overwhelming and very generous manner. We await with anticipation your participation. THE PUBLISHERS. <<<<<<< PLEASE GO TO THE NEXT CHAPTER >>>>>