*********************************************************** the NATIONAL TAX REVOLT - CHAPTER TWO In order to Re-invent our government we must ... not only re-invent the WAY IN WHICH WE SEND OUR MESSENGERS TO CONGRESS, BUT WE MUST ALSO RE-INVENT THE WAY WE SEND OUR MESSAGES! THIS IS WHERE YOU COME IN. We have put this article out in digitized format through all the Computer Networks of the world so that every computer user might eventually find it and help us RE-INVENT OUR GOVERNMENT. President Clinton has called for this action and Vice President Gore has given us the track to run on. Vice President Gore has initiated a great deal of interest on what he calls the Super Computer Network. He envisions, as do we, a time very soon, when all Americans have an input into the computer networks of America so that we can all talk to one another, trade ideas, software, thoughts on any subject. Political ideas would be the first on our list. With a Network of political thought, we can all make this Re- invention of Government truly work and work right the first time. Let's not make any more mistakes! The best way to guarantee we don't make any mistakes is to take the best thinking from everyone who has an interest in their country and put all the elements together into a giant new INVENTION, a technological marvel to make the whole world green with envy! We can do it with your help. After all, this is the essence of democracy, everyone getting involved. We need the impact of democratic energy now more than at any time in our history. Please heed this call. To help the President and the Vice President, they need you to do one or all of the following. 1. Make copies of this program and pass it around to friends, associate, family, etc. 2. Upload the program to as many local BBS's as you can find. 3. Subscribe to this magazine. Use the 900#s to give us financial support and to learn the latest news from OUR PERSPECTIVE, not theirs. 4. Use the Long Distance Service we have contracted with. In this way, you will save money on your Long Distance Bill and we will have an ongoing source of support. This amounts to about $2.00 per month from the SAVINGS. So, you don't have to make any sacrifices and still support this idea. 5. Contribute in any other way you can think of. IF YOU ARE A PROGRAMMER, WE WILL NEED YOUR SKILLS TO WORK ON THE SUPER NETWORK. Of if you have any ideas about how to improve this process of getting the bills over the networks and the people being able to see them and make comments on them and then being polled, let us know. This is our next order of business! 6. Start the national media attention on this issue by calling your local radio or TV stations and telling them about this program. Get a copy to them. Write letters to your Congressmen and Senators demanding that they start this right away! Call your local newspaper and demand that they do a story on it, so that your neighbors can know about it. 7. Most importantly, help us in any way you can think of. If you have computer equipment you're not using it, please donate it. If you have an hour or two of free time every week to give us, call and make the offer. But please don't offer anything you can't honestly stick to. We need to take action now and we can't waste a minute with people who are unsure about their interest. 8. Print up some of the chapters in this magazine. Bring them to work, make copies. Hand them out. Become a real revolutionary along with us. Tell your children about it. Have them bring a copy to school. See how much hell you can raise in your local church or synagogue. Get people discussing this great issue. By doing any or all of the above, we can get this idea some national media attention very soon. When the story gets out in the open, we'll be taking names of those who are with us and those who are opposed to the wishes of the people. Those who are opposed to this idea, are not our friends, are not interested in Real Democracy and we will deal with them at the polls. When we have rid ourselves of this vermin, THEN WAIT AND SEE THE PROGRESS WE CAN MAKE! THE WHOLE WORLD WILL BE WATCHING! If you will just spend a few minutes of your time each day discussing the ideas in this manual for change with your friends, associates, drinking buddies, you will start to see a powerful idea building in your mind. Write it down and send it to us. We will compile all the best ideas to be used in the RE-INVENTION OF AMERICAN GOVERNMENT. This process itself will be utilized as PART ONE of this INVENTION. The computer Networks themselves are the First Major Piece of the Puzzle. By re-constructing it in ways that you may be aware of, we can make it simple for everyone in the country to learn about the issues of the day, give their input, hear debate, listen to experts, and then to finally give their vote up or down, 'Yea' or 'Nay'. By experimenting with this process, we can demonstrate to our nation that we have provided them with a better mousetrap. Once this demonstration program is completed and everyone in the nation is familiar with its workings, we can make it an official institution of the United States Government. What does it look like? This is like the story of the five blind men, who when confronted with an elephant each tried to describe what it must look like to the other four. The first one, touching the trunk of the elephant said that it must be long and curvacious, like a snake. The next one feeling the ears said that it must look like a big leaf of a tree. The next one holding onto a leg, thought it must look like a big thick tree. The next one, well, you get the idea. None of us can tell what the exact shape of our Re- invented government will look like, but we each have a special insight to one or more of its parts. We want to find out your feelings about the parts that must be used to create this Wonderful new device for ruling ourselves. I don't know THE FINAL SHAPE OUR NEW Government take either, but I can tell you what the results must be at the 'Business End'. What comes out the other end should be a way to instantly record the votes of every eligible voter in America on any range of topics. With this Referendum process, for want of a better word, in place, we could do things such as the following. 1. We could change the National Speed Law to 65 or even 75 Miles per Hour. (Makes it possible for us to travel by car without the paranoia of being stopped by the Police for using our cars the way they were intended. Where did they get so much power?) 2. We could make it a simple misdemeanor to be caught with an ounce or less of Marijuana, punishable with a simple citation, and a fine. (Let's the police concentrate on more serious crimes. With this one little change in our laws, we could tax the illicit drugs, balance the federal books, and start to make inroads into real crime rates because without this issue to waste their times, the police could work on the murders and the rapes and the real crimes. Drug abuse is a personal choice, and is victimless. It should hold this level of priority in our crime system. If kids want to experiment with getting high once in a while, what are we so afraid of as a culture? They might not want to work? When they get hungry, they'll go to work. They might enjoy their lives a bit more than us? Come on! Numerous studies have shown that the illegal nature of these drugs is what gives kids their first interest in them.) 3. We could make it a felony punishable by death or life imprisonment to attempt to influence legislation by giving a United States Senator or Congressman, his staff or anyone related to him any money or anything of value such as a trip or a gift of any kind. (Obvious advantages.) 4. We could make it a felony punishable by death or life imprisonment without parole for anyone convicted of selling, or giving a gun or any lethal weapon to a minor. And adult purchasing a gun would have to go through a criminal check in all fifty states before a gun store could release a weapon to anyone. No gun could be sold until the check was complete no matter how long it takes. 5. We could prohibit any foreign aid money to be sent to any foreign countries unless in the form of humanitarian food aid for a period of 5 years, 10 years, or until changed by a similar referendum. 6. We could place a tax on gasoline and use the money to pay for research into solar and other alternative energy sources. 7. We could cut the tax on income to zero, or raise it to 90% of incomes over 1 million per year, or a combination thereof. 8. We could Disband the C.I.A. They have no more role in society with the end of the Cold War, and yet our government finds it very difficult to abolish any agency. We still have government agencies in existence like the Rural Electrification Agency even though all of Rural America is now Electrified. (This would save the taxpayer, more than 10Billion dollars per year, and much international embarrassment.) 9. We could make it a felony, punishable by death or life imprisonment with no parole, for any lawyer to interfere with Environmental clean up projects given certain emergency designations from the EPA. (The only people standing in the way of environmental clean-ups are lawyers, out to make a buck, in complete contempt of the damage to your health and mine.) 10. We could impossible for the government to attemtp to legislate morality in several ways: A. We could prevent the government from taking any stand on abortion. Abortion might be a painful concept for many religious people to accept, however, what is even painful for anyone interested in government is the right of religious fanatics to dictate morality to the rest of us. This something each individual must struggle with all their lives. Some of the most religious fanatics are caught with whores everyday, so 'don't judge, lest ye be judged'. B. Make it a felony for any religious leader to run for office. C. Prohibit any political party from including any moral issue on their platforms. 11. We could place a 4, 5, or 6 year limit on the terms of legislators and cap their incomes. 12. We could make it a felony punishable by death or Life imprisonment with no possibility of parole for anyone convicted of murder more than once. The first time, perhaps it was a crime of passion or of anger, but the second conviction proves that this person has no regard for Human Life. Anyone with no regard of Human Life must not be allowed to live and kill again. 13. We could place a special tax on tobacco, hard drugs, hard liquor, etc., imported luxury items like caviar, French Champagne, Fancy Italian clothing, things that the average person rarely uses, and use the money from the wealthy and addicted to build more schools, give teachers a pay raise, build more prisons, or all three! 14. We could put a Cap on federal spending. No more deficits. They spend what they take in, not a penny more. If there are cuts, everything gets cut in proportion to their size of the overall budget. Same rule for increases in revenues. 15. We could close all military golf courses. 16. We could put a cap on federal limosines and airplanes to one for the President, sell the rest of the fleet. Make them travel on commercial airlines like the rest of us. (The Taxpayer currently puts out over 10 Billion per year on private jets and limos for Federal employees. Since they never accomplish anything, very few trips seem urgent enough for them to travel like Billionaires.) 17. We could put the Kaibosh on all trade with China, until they put the Kaibosh on Slave Labor. 18. We could abolish all the Welfare Laws and replace them with something far more equitable to the unfortunate few truly down on their luck and the taxpayer, truly stretched to the max. ENOUGH EXAMPLES OF PROHIBITORY LAWS. LET'S LOOK NOW AT CREATIVE LAWS WE COULD ALL MAKE. 19. We could create a NATIONAL HEALTH SYSTEM THAT WORKS. 20. We could fix the infra-structure utilizing creative financing techniques. 21. We could improve public education. (A recent survey by Educational Testing Service showed that roughly half of all American adults lack the basic skills of logic, reasoning, reading required to do their jobs. Surely the schools, the major cause of this shocking survey, need major over- hauling.) 22. If we abolished the Welfare Laws, we could replace them with a new set of laws that would make it impossible for any American citizen with a family to be homeless and hungry, and yet save the taxpayer billions in waste, fraud and abuse. (I have some ideas on how to do that, but I would rather hear from others especially on this one because so much social engineering can be done with this one area of government. In short, I believe we need to pass laws that enhance our species and our mother Earth and not destroy them. Our current Welfare laws are actually destructive to the family and to the planet.) 23. We could create a system of People's Courts that are fast, easy and cheap for anyone with a problem to seek help, just like Small Claims Court relieves the Superior Court Calendar and clears up many small time issues without the interference and enrichment of lawyers. (I have ideas on how to do this, but want input on this one too.) 24. We could create a National Research and Development Fund from which anyone with a good idea could tap into to create products of benefit to Mankind. 25. We could and we should make it possible for anyone who wants to, to complete a college education. 26. We could and we should make it impossible for anyone to harm any other person in any way because of gender, race, sexual preferences or religious beliefs. 27. We could and we should make it easier for someone with a business to stay in business and keep people employed. 28. We could and we should have an energy policy that would make us far less vulnerable to foreign oil interests. 29. We could and we should have a policy as regards the build-up of nuclear weapons anywhere in the world. We should pass a resolution that made it clear to any other country that any attempts to develop nuclear weapons will be met with total destruction of the city and surrounding countryside involved in such development. This would be a very controversial and austere measure. But it is arguable that without it, the planet is doomed to a major catastrophe where many nations have the atomic bomb and use it to such an extent that weather is changed all over the world, crops in America could fail, the air could become unbreathable, even if this country were untouched by any actual bomb. The fallout is global. We know that now, therefore, someone has to take a global stand on any more possibility of something happening. Already, Humans cannot inhabit a portion of the former Soviet Union the size of Pennsylvania. This, due to one very small nuclear power plant having a little fire a few years ago. Much of Europe was infected with the radiation and entire herds of animals had to be destroyed. The experts expect cancer to kill thousands of people in the next several decades due to this one little incident alone. Imagine the destruction if Iran and Iraq went into a nuclear war. Or if Pakistan and India had such a war. Or Israel and Iran. Or Serbs vs. Croats, or Russians vs. Mongolians, or China vs. India, or Canada vs. Mexico. A national resolution of the will of the American people might be the only way to scare the rest of the world away from developing such a hellish scenario. Even if another nation calls our bluff and we actually had to destroy a couple cities in Iran or Iraq to make an example of someone, I think the world would be a much safer place from that point on. I said this one would be controversial! I must say that I abhor violence. But personally I love Humanity more than I abhor violence. And I cannot sit idly by while the threat of our species becoming extinct as the dinosaurs grows daily. Think about it! I believe the threat of any city being destroyed by the American nuclear arsenal would be sufficient to stop any further development and would never have to be used and would be the only positive use of such awesome power. No one, not even God, gives us the right to dictate to other nations, however, on the other hand, not even God has decreed that there shouldn't be someone willing to take this awesome responsibility. I think the American people, of all people on Earth, are uniquely qualified for the job. (Your input is greatly appreciated on this one too.) These are just a few ideas I thought up one day. Imagine how powerful the Human Mind is when melded with the combined brain power of all the thinking people in the nation as a whole! It's truly staggering. <<<<<<<<<<< GO TO THE NEXT CHAPTER >>>>>>>>>