********************************************************* THE NATIONAL TAX REVOLT - CHAPTER FOUR President Clinton and Vice President Al Gore want to hear from you! The White House has recently published their E-mail address. It's available to everyone with access to a computer and they want to hear from all of us. Let them know that you are reading our material. Let them know that you support us and that you will continue to support us until most of the ideas herein are adopted by the government. If only a few thousand of you do this, the time will soon come when we will have our country back. CONTACT PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON AT E-MAIL ADDRESS: 'PRESIDENT@WHITEHOUSE.GOV' Send our Petition to the White House as well. They should also see what's coming up in Congress. Help them 'Re-Invent the Government!' This book is an attempt to get you to help them. They know they can't do it alone. So, they have expressly made an issue out of RE-INVENTING OUR GOVERNMENT THAT WE MUST ALL PARTICIPATE IN, OTHERWISE, IT WILL JUST END UP BEING ANOTHER POLITICAL SONG AND DANCE! We set up this organization to ensure that there are more and more things that the American people can do to participate in their own government because, in the final analysis Democracy does not work without the active participation of the ordinary people. It's all about being 'Of the People, For the People and By the People.' Remember that from High School? So, get with the program, People! Help out the President and the Veep. Participate in this program by becoming a subscriber. Print out the Long Distance Form and sign up with our Long Distance Service because this will give us your continued and continuing support without your having to go to your checkbook. WE ALSO WANT YOU TO SEND UP YOUR IDEAS. When you send in your subscription forms, send us in your thoughts on the subject of how we can all get more participation from the voter. In fact, this will be the focus of our next issue. So, we want all the reader feedback we can get. We are especially interested as is Vice President Gore in how to get more democracy out of our computer networks such as the one you used to download this book. Al Gore, in fact, wants to build us a huge new super National Network, but we think that any Network funded by the government will not be as useful as one funded by folks like the BBS SYSOP who put this program on his BBS because he's not interested in censoring anything. But a Government Network, just might be. We need your thoughts on the subject. Perhaps a huge National Network run by a separate legal entity, but Private, like the way they manage the National Parks or the National Highways, giving states more responsibility than anyone else. Perhaps a private company with a mandate to never have any censorship or they are immediately replaced with new management. Perhaps it's all automated with no chance of censorship ever. We don't know. This is why we need your input. Whatever the form of the new government. We do know that computers MUST PLAY A BIGGER ROLE. In many states they still count ballots by hand. Can you imagine such an out-dated and crazy thing like this taking place in America? It's hard to believe. In some states, they are now letting voters register when they license their car and the Department of Motor Vehicles. These are often referred to as the 'MOTOR VOTER BILLS'. That's great, but why do we have to REGISTER TO VOTE in the first place? That's not mentioned in the Constitution! It seems kind of antiquated, too, doesn't it? Why not let everyone vote who can prove they're over the age of 18? Just bring your ID with you when you go to the polls to vote. Simple enough? Yes, but simple is not something our old government likes to live with. Simple things don't allow for more government jobs. (In our NEW RE-INVENTED GOVERNMENT we will concentrate on keeping things simple, because simple is cheaper!) But then even POLLING BOOTHS ARE ANTIQUATED, AREN'T THEY? Why not vote over the phone? Why not vote when you're downtown shopping in a public phone booth? Just punch in your social security number so they can make sure you didn't vote twice and have a ballot with you with numbers, and just key in the number of the measure you're voting for and a 1 for YES or a 2 for NO. Same goes for candidates. The same way they do with PIN numbers at those automated tellers at the bank would work too. Or why not just do it in the comfort of your own home. And why is it all done in one day. Why not allow a week or 10 days for an election so that anyone traveling out of the country can get back in time to vote? Yes, and that way, there's plenty of time to check and throw away anyone's second or third vote. That's why we tie it to a SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER or a PIN number. It's an easy computer run to pick out all the duplicate social security numbers and then count ONLY the last vote as the actual one. That way, anyone could change their mind and vote again, knowing the last vote will be their official one. And social security numbers are only given to citizens and the government already has it in their computers as to how old we all are because of the Social Security laws and all that. So, there is no way anyone could cheat and we could make it a federal offense to alter your vote or sell your vote or defraud the voting commission in any way. So, as you can see there are many issues to cover before we put anything into place in this RE-INVENTION OF GOVERNMENT. We haven't even discussed the possibility of a Constitutional Convention. This is another major consideration because it will probably have to be done in order to make sure we do everything right, tie up all the loose ends, as they like to say on TV! We probably have to amend the Constitution one more time to make all these changes official, but that's been done 22 times in our history already. One more won't hurt. But this one would be the LAST AMENDMENT because once we allow for the people to decide the issues of the day on the ballot, there are no more issues that have to be turned into a Constitutional battle. That's another major advantage too, but it requires a ton of thought so that it can be worded properly and so that the Supreme Court doesn't find any problems with the wording and so that all the states can ratify it quickly and easily. MORE ABOUT THE UPCOMING CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION IN THE NEXT ISSUE. So, please become a subscriber. President Clinton and V.P. Al Gore will be informed of all your input and together we can make something happen in this government that helps us all save money and save our country at the same time. There's so much waste right now in this country it's rediculous. That's another thing that Bill Clinton and Al Gore want to get rid of. They even trotted out tons of paperwork onto the White House Lawn to show to the American people all the unnecessary paperwork. President Clinton said that it now takes 40,000 government employees JUST TO MAKE SURE ALL THE OTHER GOVERNMENT BUREAUCRATS ARE FILLING OUT THE FORMS CORRECTLY! Have you ever heard of such a thing? Only in government. If this government were a private corporation and you didn't fill out the paperwork correctly, they fire your sorry butt! In government, they just hire someone else to do your job for you. God, I think I want a gov't job! Pretty ridiculous isn't it? There was even a Paperwork Reduction Act created by Congress a few years ago, and by the time Congress got through with this bill, there was 10 times more paperwork than before! Oh, well, that's Representative Democracy for you. Just like too many chefs ruin the soup, too much compromise, too many lobbyists, too much bribery & greed leads to bad law! Well, you and the rest of our readers are going to change all that, aren't we? <<<<<<< GO ON TO THE FINAL CHAPTER >>>>>>>.