TELECOM Digest Thu, 23 Sep 93 12:55:00 CDT Volume 13 : Issue 661 Inside This Issue: Moderator: Patrick A. Townson Telecom Questions About Kentucky (Johan Hammarstr|m) I Authorized WHAT? (Les Reeves) Pager Number Being Forwarded to a Voice Number? (Dean Sokoya) 'People Damage' During Electrical Storm (Bert Roseberry) Skypage by Modem (Steve Hutzley) Pointer Please: Heard of "Genius"; Phone Product From Canada? (H.Shrikumar) Message From Moscow (TELECOM Moderator via Sergey V. Sidorenko) Trivia: Kiribati is North East South and West at Same Time (H.Shrikumar) How Much Power Will Telco Allow From Phone Line? (Neil Hamilton) Telix File Transfer Upload Question (Gregory Veal) Need Information on Teleprotector (Christopher Vaz) Request For Information on R2 Line Signalling on T1 (Anant Ghotkar) Information Wanted on E-mail/V-mail Integration (Heli Leinonen) Update on 410-287 (Carl Moore) Caller ID Display Boxes - Best Models/Mfgrs? (Steve Bookman) Using Rechargable Alkaline Batteries for Cellular Phone (Yilmaz Cengeloglu) Ohio Scientific C1P Nostalgia (Karim Alim) Which Operating System for a Dialogics/T1 VRU, Solaris, SCO, NT? (Burgoyne) Ordering Distinctive Ring (Ken Levitt) How to Unlock a Diamond Tel 90X Cellular Phone? (Peter J. Scott) What Sort of Stability Required For a Country Code? (Carl Moore) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Johan Hammarstr|m Subject: Telecom Questions About Kentucky Organization: Telia Research Sundsvall AB Date: Wed, 22 Sep 93 16:03:48 GMT Hi! I am a system engineer from Sundsvall, Sweden. I want to get some names of companies which should be placed in Kentucky, USA (I would prefer around Louisville but it isn't necesary). The companies should be either: - Operator which handles wireless access to the PSTN (Public Switched Telephony Network). - Developer of wireless- or PSTN- exchange nodes. Thanks in advance. Johan Hammarstr|m E-mail: Telia Research AB Box 883 Tel: +46 60 144629 S-851 24 Sundsvall, Sweden Telefax:+46 60 144700 ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1993 18:28:48 EDT From: Subject: I Authorized WHAT? The following *NEW* text appears on a single page separating the local service portion of my telephone bill from the toll section of this month's bill: When using a Long Distance Carrier other than your preferred Long Distance Carrier to make long distance calls (including calling card, collect or third number calls) or when using certain other Providers of telecommunications services, you are authorizing that Carrier or Provider to bill and collect for the calls that you placed over its Network. Upon request, Southern Bell provides your billing name and address to those Long Distance Carriers or other Providers of telecommunications services for use in billing your calls. [Moderator's Note: That is correct. When you dial a telephone number that is legally taken to be a request to the telco for service. When you request the service, i.e. make the necessary motions with your fingers to establish the connection, it follows that you are author- izing them to bill you for the service. In that same vein, the FCC requires telcos to share billing information with each other which would include the name and address of the person who used the service. Non-pub numbers are not exempt from the requirement that the name and address of the subscriber be given to other carriers. PAT] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1993 16:24:55 CDT From: Subject: Pager Number Being Forwarded to a Voice Number Organization: University of Illinois at Chicago, ADN Computer Center I'm just wondering if its possible for a pager number to be forwared to a voice mail. I place a call thru to AmeriTech pager to enquire about this but they inform me that this is not possible. But since all phone lines have to go thru the local Central Office, is it possible for the pager number to be forwared at the switch station to another number? I'll appreciate if I get an answer (hopefully, get posted) on this one. Deen Sokoya, [Moderator's Note: You called me on the telephone about this yesterday and as I explained to you, certainly all phones (for the purposes of this discussion) go through central office switches, and certainly all can have various features such as call forwarding. But in the case of pagers, the paging company (in this case Ameritech) is supplying you with a phone line for your ease in using *their* service. They are not supplying you that phone line for your use in calling wherever you want to call. They make their money from your use of their airtime, not from your use of the phone they gave you to connect with them. If you want call forwarding on a phone line, *you* have to be the owner of the phone. In the case at hand, Ameritech is the 'customer' of Illinois Bell, not yourself. Ameritech -- or for that matter, any paging company -- does not wish to supply you with a phone dedicated to your use of their system and allow you to use the phone for other purposes while they are paying the bill. In the meantime, I seem to have misplaced the address you gave me for the information you wanted me to mail. Please write or call me again. PAT] ------------------------------ From: Bert Roseberry Subject: 'People Damage' During Electrical Storm Organization: Digital Equipment Computer Users Society Date: 22 Sep 93 19:47:44 -0400 Organization: DECUServe What's the general feeling, not about equipment damage, but about people damage while on a phone during an electrical storm? I've had phones destroyed and I've heard stories about people getting hurt but I wonder what the real story is. Bert Roseberry -or- [Moderator's Note: It is wise to not use your phone, modem, computer, etc during an electrical storm. For all we have learned over the centuries, we have yet to learn ways to conquer Mother Nature and her friends fire and electricity when they visit us randomly. Lightning does strike telco facilities and can travel easily down the wire to your phone. There are protections in place, but no protection works when a million volts looks at you and decides you are next. PAT] ------------------------------ From: (Steve Hutzley) Subject: Skypage by Modem Organization: Digital Equipment Corporation Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1993 16:54:05 GMT Any information on this would be greatly appreciated, espically for a DOS based machine. Thanks. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1993 12:17:43 -0400 From: (H.Shrikumar) Subject: Pointer Please: Heard of "Genius"; Phone Product From Canada Organization: UMass, Amherst MA + Temporal Systems Bombay India Hi, I recently heard a mention from a friend of mine about a product called "GENIUS" out of Canada. This is supposed to help "exisitng {<(rotary?) phones exploit new services" ... or some such. Has someone heard about this? Could you mail me any pointers please? Thanks. And BTW, anyone used it? ... Comments on how it works and good/bad ? shrikumar (,, (413)549-8484 ) ------------------------------ Organization: "Demos Plus" Company, Moscow, Russia From: Sergey V. Sidorenko Subject: kUPL@ TELEGRAFNYJ MODEM (095) 212-3937 Date: Thu, 23 Sep 1993 09:36:30 GMT Reply-To: Organization: ACB UNIBEST [Moderator's Note: This message came to me from Russia. I have no idea at all what he is saying, except I think it has to do with a BBS or public access site in Moscow. This was the entire text. Can someone read it to me? PAT] sRO^NO KUPL@ TELEGRAFNYJ MODEM tEL: (095) 212-39-37 sIDORENKO sERGEJ. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Sep 93 01:22:04 -0400 From: (H.Shrikumar) Subject: Trivia: Kiribati is North East South and West at Same Time In article wrote: > use the bandwidth of all the idle phone channels. I know there's a > box out there that can do this, do you have any scoops on this? Never used them, but the Black Box and RAD catalogs have information of several muxes. I have them at home, and can mail you addresses, etc. if you need. > Jerry Black, black@LL.MIT.EDU > (the only internet administrator in the Marshall Islands!) Ah ... Marshall Islands ... reminds me of something I wanted to share with the net. When the mention of Marshall Islands came up a while ago (re shift of the International Date Line) I was looking it up in the map (a {National Geographic} wall map) and noticed that KIRIBATI is the only country in the world to have contiguous territory all of North and South and East and West. The archipelago straddles both the equator and the date line. So in Kiribati, if you forgot to do something yesterday, guess one could take a boat to the other island and have it done there. :-) And I thought telecommuting 10:30 hours east each day, which I do regularly, was confusing ! :-) Wonder if they have North-South and East-West Summits locally ? :-) shrikumar (, ) PS: Yes sir, Kiribati *is* a country, and not a possesion like its neighbours. The Country code in X.400 series is C = KI. And further ... Geographical Names: Ki-ri-bati \'kir-e-,bas--sic\ or formerly Gil-bert \'gil-bert\ islands W Pacific SSE of the Marshalls; a Brit. territory 1976-79; became an independent member of the Commonwealth 1979 capital Tarawa area 102 sq mi (265 sq km), pop 63,848 [Moderator's Note: While you are correct about their geographical positioning, I think they operate entirely within one time zone and one day for local convenience. PAT] ------------------------------ From: (Neil Hamilton) Subject: How Much Power Will Telco Allow From Phone Line? Organization: NSTN Network Operations Centre, Nova Scotia, Canada Date: Thu, 23 Sep 1993 17:01:34 GMT If one wanted to power a certain low power device from a standard phone line, how much power would the telco allow to be drawn? Neil Hamilton, PEng (EE) phone (902)421-1250 fax (902)429-9983 Applied Microelectronics, Halifax, NS Industrial Technology Advisor (NRC/IRAP) ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Sep 93 0:00:01 PDT From: Gregory Veal Subject: Telix File Transfer Upload I need help, Im trying to UPLOAD a file to my UNIX account from my PC at home. In the past I have download files to my a:\ and every thing work using the commands: sz filename But, my question is how do I upload. My Path or A:/ for upload and download, modem 9600 , 386pc , ect. Thanks for your timely response. Greg Veal ------------------------------ Organization: City University of New York/ University Computer Center Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1993 23:08:48 EDT From: Christopher Vaz Subject: Need Information on Teleprotector I have bought a teleprotector(henceforth T-P) (from Radio Shack) which is a device that helps an answering machine disconnect when a phone is picked up. It is indeed auto-disconnecting my machine -- however, there seems to be one problem. When I pick up the phone, it disconnects the machine but only after a couple of seconds, and in fact, the machine saves, as a message, that part of the conversation that the caller has left until the time the phone is picked up, and even a little part of my conversation with the caller -- i.e. my "Hello" and a few sentences of mine thereafter. Is this common with a T-P or does this seem strange to any of you folks out there who do or do not use a T-P? Christopher Vaz [Moderator's Note: Doesn't the documentation say something about a trim pot in there you can adjust a little if this happens? It is hearing you, but not soon enough. If you adjust it too far the other way then the answering machine won't pick up the line at all. There should be a middle point where it works just fine. Anyone else care to comment? PAT] ------------------------------ From: (Anant Ghotkar) Subject: Request For Information on R2 Line Signalling on T1. Date: Thu, 23 Sep 93 9:09:51 EDT Can anybody over there throw some light on details of R2 line signalling on T1? I only know that the line signalling information is sent in LSB of all the 24 timeslots of a T1 in 6th and 12th frame of a multiframe. Thanks in advance. Anant ------------------------------ From: (Heli Leinonen) Subject: Information Wanted on E-mail/V-mail Integration Date: 23 Sep 1993 14:40:08 GMT Organization: Telecom Finland Hello! Please, could you do me a favour, and help me get a certain Bellcore document. It would require you just a phone call to (800) 521-CORE in USA. Bellcore announced in Integrated Messaging News, June 1993 issue a new service called Message Transport and Routing Service, which should enable a customer to use one telephone number to transmit an electronic message in any medium (voice, e-mail or fax) from one mail system to another. A copy of a Bellcore document MTRS SR-INS-002662 describing the service, the article says, could be obtained by calling (800) 521-CORE. I would be most interested in this service, but I am not able to call from abroad to 800-numbers. Please, could you help me obtain this article by ordering it for me? I would appreciate it very much. In addition, I would be most interested to hear about other development projects (or products or services) dealing with the integration of different messaging media - voice mail, electronic mail and fax. My name and address is: Heli Leinonen Telecom Finland Business Systems R&D P.O. Box 140 SF-00511 HELSINKI FINLAND Thank you very much in advance. Best Regards, Heli Leinonen. [Moderator's Note: Perhaps readers will be kind enough to supply you with Bellcore's regular POTS number so you can call them direct and get what you are seeking. PAT] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Sep 93 11:17:14 EDT From: Carl Moore Subject: Update on 410-287 In North East, MD, the local exchange is 410-287. This morning, I plugged the AT&T touchtone phone into the jack and did hear a faint hum, which was interrupted when I pushed any button on the phone; however, pushing the buttons did not emit the touch-tone sounds (contrasts with my hearing such after my Newark phone number had been removed from my apartment there). And, darn, I don't have the call forward-if-busy or forward-if-no-answer at North East unless I go into the "Answercall" feature (my Newark number is forwarding to the switchboard it was forwarding to earlier). ------------------------------ From: (Steve Bookman) Subject: Caller ID Display Boxes - Best Models/Mfgrs? Date: 23 Sep 1993 09:46:34 -0400 Organization: PANIX Public Access Internet and Unix, NYC Caller ID is being introduced to large new areas of NYC and other places this fall. It would be helpful to know other readers' experiences with the Caller ID LCD screen display boxes which are installed between the telco's line and the user's telephone extension. Which are most reasonable in price/reliable in operation? ------------------------------ From: (Yilmaz Cengeloglu) Subject: Using Rechargable Alkaline Batteries For Cellular Phone Date: Thu, 23 Sep 1993 08:22:51 GMT Organization: Martin Marietta, Daytona Beach, Florida I have a Novatel PTR 825 cellular phone. I am using alkaline batteries. It uses five AA size alkaline batteries. It cost $34 and I have found it very useful when I am traveling. I do not have to carry charger and wait for charging. I just replace the alkaline batteries. My question is that can I use rechargable alkaline batteries instead of regular alkaline batteries? Would they do any damage to the phone or would they last shorter than regular batteries? Yilmaz ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 16 Sep 93 18:15 GMT From: Karim Alim <> Subject: Ohio Scientific C1P Nostalgia I normally try not to get carried away with those in-the-good-old-days discussions, but you really struck a nerve in the Digest (Vol. 13 #639). I thought I was the ONLY person in the world to actually purchase a C1P. (grin) No one even BELIEVES me when I tell them it had only 4K RAM. (The Microsoft 8K BASIC-IN-ROM was twice the size of the RAM.) I think that's when my interest in telephones started, too. For $20 (I kid you not!) I bought the guts of a Vadic modem. With about half a dozen Rat Shack alligator clip-wires and two 6-volt lantern batteries (connected to provide +12 and -12 volts) you could have a working modem! You needed to make some mods to the C1P motherboard (about $0.50 in diodes and transistors) in order to be able to use the RS-232 stuff already on the C1P (for some reason OSI just never bothered to put on a DB connector.) And this guy at U. Maryland had written a terminal emulation program for the C1P called "CHAT" (CHAllenger Terminal, half in assembly and half in BASIC) ... my B&W television would only support about 22 chars x 20 lines when using the homebuilt RF modulator. And unscrewing the microphone on the telephone receiver (you can do that? It comes off?) revealed the two magical connections to which the final alligator clips were attached ... (transformer? Who needs a transformer?) Of course, back then the Arpanet was free for the hacking, and the nice people at MIT would let you play with their expensive toys for no charge or even no good reason ... ahhhh ... Thanks for the memories. Plus now I can always say that at least ONE other person bought a C1P. (grin) I lusted after your TI calculator too -- I guess it's just as well I could never afford it ... [Moderator's Note: Like President Carter, I freely admitted to having lust in my heart, but mine was for an Apple ][+. I finally yielded to my desires and yielded a couple paychecks over to the local dealer. Once I did that, the C-1-P never came out of the closet again. I finally wound up giving it to a little fellow about ten years ago who used it to learn BASIC programming. Yes, 4K of RAM! Expandable to 8K if you were not afraid of soldering and installing chips. The Apple ][+ had 48 K expandable to 64K by using a 'Language Card' in a slot. PAT] ------------------------------ From: (J. Robert Burgoyne) Subject: Which Operating System for a Dialogics/T1 VRU, Solaris, SCO, NT? Date: 23 Sep 1993 15:31:32 GMT Organization: Maryland FYI Publishing, Laurel, MD USA (301)-317-0726 I'd like to get some feedback from people who are actually developing similar applications. Our client has developed a system already using SCO, but they're somewhat disappointed with SCO; it seems to crash with regularity. Anyone? J. Robert Burgoyne Maryland FYI Laurel, Maryland 301-317-0726 24 Hours 301-317-0587 FAX ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Sep 93 10:00:43 EDT From: (Ken Levitt) Subject: Ordering Distinctive Ring I currently have a business number which is permanently forwarded to my residential number at the central office. New England Telephone calls this service "Remote Call Forwarding". Distinctive ring service just became available in my exchange (called Ring-Mate) and I wanted to get rid of my remote forwarding service and make that existing number a Ring-Mate number attached to my home phone. NET tells me that is OK to conduct business on a Ring-Mate residential number, but I would lose my business listing in the White Pages, which I can't do. One solution seems to be getting a new Ring-Mate number at home and having the business line forward to the new number. This is my fall-back solution, but it seems wasteful and unnecessarily expensive. Doing away with my residential line and making both lines business class with Ring-Mate seemed like an option, but this would cost more than the option listed above. Does anyone have any creative solutions to this problem? Ken Levitt - On FidoNet gateway node 1:16/390 UUCP: zorro9!levitt INTERNET: or ------------------------------ From: pjs@euclid.Jpl.Nasa.Gov (Peter J. Scott) Subject: How to Unlock a Diamond Tel 90X Cellular Phone? Date: 23 Sep 1993 22:31:13 GMT Organization: Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA/Caltech Reply-To: pjs@euclid.Jpl.Nasa.Gov A friend of mine who owns a Diamond Tel 90X phone recently had an irritating experience when it locked up on him and he couldn't get it unlocked. He said he wound up going to some place that looked like an opium den to pay an outrageous sum to have it unlocked. I don't know anything about cellular phones and he doesn't have net access, so I said I'd ask around to see if anyone knew how to unlock that kind of phone so I could tell him in case it happens again. Thanks in advance. Peter Scott, NASA/JPL/Caltech ( ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Sep 93 18:13:48 EDT From: Carl Moore Subject: What Sort of Stability Required For a Country Code? Given the publicity over the bloody breakup of Yugoslavia, I was somewhat surprised to see that it is indeed getting country codes to account for the breakup. Wasn't some sort of stability (in terms of boundaries etc.) required before country codes could be handed out? There was some note of that when some of the 37x codes were handed out to the three Baltic republics and Moldova. ------------------------------ End of TELECOM Digest V13 #661 ****************************** ******************************************************************************