Micro Channel Architecture: proof that there ARE bozos on this buss. PASCAL is a French sex position involving cheese. Bah! Park a tank on their face if they can't take a joke! Damn! I wish I was your tagline. The thing I like best about cats: THEY DON'T BARK!! Tagline Fu. Three stars. Joe Bob says check it out... ÷÷ øùúà ÷÷ The Undersea Tagline of Jacques Cousteau. Been there, read that, stole the tagline. UFO's are real. It's the Air Force that doesn't exist! Bordello with a modem: A "baudy house" Devoted to the study of cat bathing as a martial art The bugs will go away when you turn off the computer! Cancan girls do it for kicks... 79› for a box of Banana Walrus Wafers? That's a SCANDAL!