README.TXT - readme file for OPENFDR.CMD v1.3 by M. Woo (October 1993) OpenFolder is a little REXX script that works in conjunction with J.P. Software Inc.'s command shell replacement for CMD.EXE, 4OS2(TM). I don't often open folders to get at things, but I got really tired of going through multiply-nested folders just to get to the one I wanted. What I wanted was a way to open whichever folder I wished in only one step, regardless of how deeply nested it was. OpenFolder does this, using 4OS2's variable function that can create popup text listboxes from an ascii file. I'm releasing OpenFolder because I wanted to demonstrate how anyone like me, who is not a programmer in any way, shape, or form, can utilize the power of REXX, the external REXXUtil functions, and 4OS2, to do "neat" things with his/her OS/2 system. What I really hope this little REXX program will accomplish is to inspire other non-programmer types to create similar programs to personalize their own OS/2 machines. I should probably point out that I have at best a passing knowledge of REXX, and have had 4OS2 on my machine for less than a week, so I believe that anyone can write a similar program, with a little time and effort. Program Notes: This REXX script was written assuming that one is using OS/2 v2.1, and that it is installed on the C: drive. If your setup is different, you will have to modify the line which reads, call SysFileTree "c:\desktop\*", "dirs.", "DSO" to reflect where your computer's desktop directory is, and in the case of OS/2 2.0, what it is called. Additionally, this REXX script has ONLY been tested under OS/2 2.1 with 4OS2/32 v1.11, so I have no idea of how it will work on a different setup. I wish I knew how to get the folders to open on top, but I can't see how without loading another set of external REXX functions. :-( Oh yes... as I mentioned, I'm not a programmer, and I know that this code isn't using particularly elegant routines. However, as I often like to say to programmer friends, "I'm not a programmer, so the phrase 'elegant, tight, efficient code' exists NOWHERE in my vocabulary." Hey, all I can say is that this is working on my system, so I'm happy. I can be contacted through the end of December, 1993 at either: Internet: (if that doesn't work, Fidonet: Melissa Woo (or Sysop) 1:233/4.0 or 1:233/4.100 Unfortunately, I don't have any idea where I will be after December. (Anyone want to hire a soon-to-be Ph.D. in radiation biophysics? :-) ) Program history: Version 1.0 adaptation of a REXX script that I wrote which used the IBM EWS package, VREXX, to open a Presentation Manager listbox of folder names from which one could open the folder chosen (not released) 1.1 changed the way the subdirectory array was being created; added code to handle an "Esc" key in the popup menu 1.2 changed the way the folder name array was being created 1.3 public release; added far too many comments to the code, but I did it so that non-programmers can see what is being done Disclaimer: The user assumes all responsibility for any damage done by this program. No warranty is offered, and I can only guarantee that the program will take up space on your hard drive.