OS/2 Upload Information Template for ftp-os2.nmsu.edu Archive Name: yaos02.zip Program Description: Yet Another OS/2 Shell (features filename completion) Operating Systems: 2.1 Program Source: cplee@students.wisc.edu Replaces: yaos01.zip Your name: Lee, Cjin Pheow Your email address: cplee@students.wisc.edu Proposed directory for placement: /os2/2_x/sysutils/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YAOS (Yet Aother OS/2 Shell) version 0.2, Copyright 1993 ======================================================== (FREEWARE) This is a simple shell that runs on top of cmd.exe. It's features are: * Unix-like file name completion using the or key Possible file names are toggled with each or stroke if the commandline argument '-t' is specificied. * a history of previous used commands with ability to access them using commands like: !!, !4, !v test.c (those familiar with unix would know what I am talking about). Of course, the up and down cursor keys will scroll through previous commands too. * ability to change directory to any [drive:\directory] in a single command using the normal 'cd' command. (See bug list) * last but not least, it is FREE. This is the second release of YAOS. The new features are file name toggling, command editing, and some bug fixes. It is by no means a bug free version. (Refer to bug list). I hope you'll like YAOS. Suggestions and comments are welcomed. Author: ------- Lee, Cjin Pheow Email: cplee@students.wisc.edu 27 December, 1993 Bug List: --------- 1) Does not work with programs that change directory. YAOS do not recognize the directory change made with those programs. (I still have not found the solution to this problem. I use the C function "system()" to execute the user's program. When the function ends, it will return to the original directory. Any suggestions?)