NOTECLEN.EXE Version 1.2, 19 Sept 1993 Copyright (C) 1992, 1993 by Jack Chandler Versin 1.2 corrects potential problem when handling large databases with NOTES2.DAT records numbers greater than 32767. NOTECLEN.EXE is a PAF utility designed to eliminate all the empty space occupied by deleted PAF notes in your NOTES2.DAT file. The notepad for an individual in PAF is not necessarily a contiguous string of records unless all notes for that individual are entered at one time. If other individuals are added, and other notes are added, then extending the notes for an earlier individual will result in a fragmented NOTES2.DAT file. Using NOTECLEN.EXE will de-fragment the NOET2.DAT file during the process of removing all unused note records resulting in contiguous notepad records for any one individual. This will speed up the access to notes from PAF especially if there are several records for each individual in your database. NOTECLEN is simple and easy to use. All entries are from prompts that are easily understood. NOTECLEN can be run from any drive/directory. Just tell it where your data is. NOTECLEN cannot be used on External PAF notes. Since these notes use the INDIV2.DAT file ID pointer rather than the NotePad pointer, and External Notes are selected in the PAF CONFIG, the accidental use of NOTECLEN on data of this type should have no serious ill effects. NOTECLEN is one of several programs designed to help you to keep your PAF database in proper condition and in its best working order. If you have problems, or questions on using NOTECLEN.EXE, contact me on FidoNet in the NGC or GENSOFT echo, or on GEnie at address J.CHANDLER2 or by mail to the address listed below. **** NOTE *** NOTECLEN modifies your paf data. Be sure you have a current backup before running NOTECLEN. If you use this program and find it useful to you, a small donation of up to $5.00 would be appreciated. Mail your contribution to: Jack J. Chandler 812 Vermillion Dr. Henderson, NV 89015