July 26, 1993 Thank you for evaluating The Personal Tennis Coach. We sincerely hope that our program will help you improve your game and increase your enjoyment of this great sport. Before Starting.... This program may be run from a floppy disk, though for better performance the program and its accompanying files should be copied to your hard disk their own subdirectory, such as C:\COACH. The main program file is 'COACH.EXE' The six tip files are: 'FOREHAND.TIP' 'BACKHAND.TIP' 'SERVE.TIP' 'RETURN.TIP' 'VOLLEY.TIP' 'APPROACH.TIP' Your data files will be: 'COACH.DAT' 'PLAY.DAT' 'PHONE.DAT' 'SCHED.DAT' Graphics support files: 'EGAVGA.BGI' 'CGA.BGI' 'HERC.BGI' Windows icon file: 'COACH.ICO' Documentation file: 'COACH.TXT' print this file for reference Help file: 'COACH.HLP' Registration Form 'INVOICE.TXT' and this file: 'README.TXT' This version of THE PERSONAL TENNIS COACH is being distributed as shareware, so please feel free to distribute to your friends as long as you include all these files. (Though be sure not to include you *.dat files!) To start the program, at the DOS prompt start the program by typing 'COACH' and your on your way! Help can be found by using the F1 key, or for the full documentation use your word processor to print the file 'COACH.TXT'. Again, please register the program and support the shareware concept. In return, we'll send the newest version, printed documentation, and notify you of upgrades at much reduced prices. If you need more convincing in order to send the $19.95, just look at the cost of a new racket or a pair of shoes, a half hour lesson, even just a few cans of tennis balls. For under $20 this program is certainly a bargain! To register send $19.95 to MSR Software P.O. Box 471918 San Francisco, CA 94147 (Please indicate the size of disk you prefer.) Thank you for supporting SHAREWARE, Michael Riordan Copyright 1993 MSR Software Development ALL RIGHTS RESERVED