Welcome to the unofficial Turbo Vision fix list! This list contains some known problems with Turbo Vision, and code modifications that will fix each problem. Many of these fixes were found by CompuServe users, and are not "officially" sanctioned by Borland. That is, they have not been fully tested, so use them at your own risk. Initial testing indicates that they do work however. These fixes are meant to be applied to Turbo Vision 1.03, the version that was shipped with Borland C++ 3.1 and Application Frameworks. You must have the source code to Turbo Vision in order to implement these fixes. Included in this archive are several TVFIX##.TXT files. Each one contains a fix to a single problem. Some of these files are simply TechInfo files, or contain information taken from a TechInfo file. I think it is good to have all this information available in one place, so I'm duplicating some of the info from our TI's in this list. Where I have done this, I indicate the TI that the information was taken from. The file INDEX.TXT contains the index to what each TVFIX##.TXT file fixes. Each file also contains directions on how to recompile the modules after making the modifications. These directions assume that you are currently in the directory BORLANDC\TVISION\SOURCE, and that you have installed the compiler into the default subdirectory structure.