BROWSE BOUND CONTROL Known problems: 1. When moving in the database more than 1 record at a time (that is when paging up/down, clicking with the mouse, or dragging the vertical scroll bar thumb) the control skips one record at a time. CAUSE: there is no SKIP +/-n records method for the Data control, so the MOVENEXT / MOVEPREV methods are used. Maybe in a future release MS will provide such a method, that will solve it. WAY AROUND: None (as for now). Do not dragg the thumb of the vertical scroll bar on very large databases (tables/recordsets/querys), it may take for ever to skip. 2. For large databases the Vertical scroll bar position is incorrectly shown smaller than the actual value (the number of records). CAUSE: The data control seems to read only a chunk of the data when loaded and reads the rest when it gets the chance, so the no of records reported is smaller than the actual (real) number. WAY AROUND: Issue a MOVEFIRST/MOVELAST/MOVEFIRST sequence to force the data control to update itself (for example in the form_activate() event). 3. Record pointer is positioned wrong upon Form_Load() (not on the first record as it should). CAUSE: Unknown - the author is working on it! WAY AROUND: Issue a MOVEFIRST to force the data control to update itself (for example in the form_activate() event, or whenever you change the record source) - see the sample for details.