Thanks for downloading VB2Doc! This is a tool that you will wonder how you managed without it. Copy both files 'VB2DOC.DOT' and 'VB2DOC.HLP' to your Microsoft Word for Windows directory. Ex: c:\winwords To use program, start Microsoft Word for Windows, choose File, New, and then select VB2Doc. I suggest you at least look at the Overview screen in the HELP file. Start HELP from either the Help menu or from the form after you select a .MAK file. NOTE: All the .FRM and .BAS files of your project, must be saved as text. The files themselves will NOT be modified in any way by this program. The program is SHAREWARE. If you like the program, please register! Only $25.00. If you do NOT like the program or have any suggestions, please write: C-serve Email: 72154,1324 Eddie Juden Thanks! Eddie Juden