CED - The Clipper Environment CED is an integrated development environment used by xBase and Clipper developers to assist in creating software applications. Forget about having to purchase expensive database management tools; CED will cover all of your needs. Integrate all of your favorite programming tools and utilities into a menu system; edit, compile and link source code without having to ever use Ms-Dos. Powerful database management utilities are readily available at the touch of a key. CED is a powerful replacement for expensive database programs to create and manage database files. Users requiring a means of storing and manipulating information in a database can easily and intuitively use this program to achieve their goal. Easy to use menus and popup lists are used throughout to eliminate confusion and enhance productivity. CED has been in development and used for over two years by experienced programmers developing real-world applications. It was written by a programmer for programmers; every useful feature imaginable has been integrated into it to make for a total system. Everything from creating databases to producing reports and formletters has been tied into CED; here is a list of features found in the most current version:  User definable color scheme - use predefined color palettes or create your own.  View any size ascii file with full panning capability.  Create and edit *.Dbf and *.Ntx files.  Utilities for copying, renaming and deleting files.  Extremely powerful database engine that defies description. You can add/delete/edit/search for records; create filters and indexes on the fly; lock columns, add,swap or delete columns from view; define queries to locate records. Powerful print capability with file/screen/printer output (you can define what fields are actually printed). Full mouse support. Full fledged memo field support; you can resize the browse window and view the memo field contents as you scroll through the browse display. Online help. Use index files to locate information quickly.  Edit text files up to 64k with built in text editor, or use your own editor.  Compile and link your source code without having to leave CED.  Use your favorite make utility without leaving CED.  Execute any *.Exe file and return back to CED from a popup filelist.  Create customized columnar reports, formletters and labels with optional query or tagged records.  View dBase compatible *.Mem file contents.  Intelligent APPEND FROM database import.  Copy selected records from an existing database to another.  Perform statistical analysis on numeric data fields.  Perform global replace on database field contents.  Search for duplicate database records with optional delete.  Pack a database to remove deleted records.  Convert delimited files to database format.  Export database file information to delimited or SDF format files.  Create Wordperfect and MS Word compatible mailmerge files.  Zap an existing database.  Create/modify dBase compatible *.Lbl and *.Frm files.  Display inkey() and lastkey() values.  Popup ascii chart.  Fully integrated menu program allows you to integrate your favorite utilities into CED; all but 5k of memory is freed to execute the program. After the program is terminated you are returned to CED.  Ms-Dos shell.  Define default *.Obj, *.Lib and *.Clp files for the link process.  Uses extended/expanded memory for swap files to run external programs automatically; uses up to 16 meg of memory for database operations. As you see, a lot of functionality is integrated into CED; because it is an ongoing project, further refinements are always being made to ensure that programming needs are met. User inputs are valued and are written into the program if it enhances the product. Even if you are not a programmer, you still benefit from CED; almost any concievable database operation can be performed with power and ease. And you can smile all the way to the bank, since you don't need to fork out the bucks to buy the usual commercial applications. You won't get lost using CED, because 58 pages of extensive documentation using screen captures is included. Forget about clumsy commands to get to your data; a couple of mouse clicks and you are on your way. CED is marketed as shareware; a full-featured demo is available on two different bulletin boards: Jet Blast (505) 434-9733 : Area 8 dClip Support (714) 263-0226 Compuserve The filename is named Clipshel.Exe, and it is approximately 417k. The most recent version is always posted to these BBS'; all menu options are operational and uncrippled. There is a 10-minute time limit to the program; when it elapses it will return you back to Ms-Dos. You can use the demo as many times as you desire. If you don't have a modem or can't afford a 417k download, send me $5.00 and I will send you the latest demonstration copy to your mailbox. What is the price for all of this power and functionality? $39+$6 shipping and handling. When you purchase CED you get free support and cheap upgrades; you also get an 120+ function Clipper 5.2 library with Norton Guides database free of charge. Do yourself a favor; download it, play with it for awhile and see for yourself - you can't go wrong. ________________________________________________________________________________ O R D E R F O R M Send to: Scott Daughtry 2222A Hidalgo Loop HAFB, NM 88330 Quantity Item Description Unit Cost Total _____ CED Clipper Turbo Shell $39.00 ________ _____ CED Clipper Turbo Shell $159.00 ________ Source Code SHIPPING & HANDLING - SELECT ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: _____ Within the U.S. and Canada $6.00 ________ _____ Outside the U.S. and Canada $18.00 ________ _____ Overnight (Only in U.S. and Canada) $20.00 ________ TOTAL $__________ Your Name: ______________________________________________________ Company: ______________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________ City: _______________________________ State: _______________ Zip Code: _________________ Country: ___________________________ Telephone: (________)____________________________ Disk Size: ______3.5 High Density ______5.25 High Density ______3.5 Low Density ______5.25 Low Density Payment: _____Money Order (make payable to: Scott Daughtry) I will accept money orders only; do not send cash or personal checks. 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