ST:TNG Computer Voice collection PART 1 OF 2 There are 13 soundblaster .VOC clips in this collection, all featuring the female computer voice on the USS Enterprise 1701-D. All clips were sampled at 22,050 Hz and are in 8 bit mono. In this collection: 1-MINUTE.VOC (2.64 seconds) "One minute till auto-destruct." ACCESSED.VOC (1.43 seconds) "Logs accessed." ACKNOWLG.VOC (2.36 seconds) "Authorization acknowledged." AFFIRMTV.VOC (1.42 seconds) "Affirmative." AUTOSHUT.VOC (5.01 seconds) "Auto shutdown sequence in progress. Defensive systems offline." COMCODES.VOC (2.51 seconds) "Please input command codes." COMPLY.VOC (1.24 seconds) "Unable to comply." COMSTAND.VOC (1.97 seconds) "Computer standing by." DEFINE.VOC (2.87 seconds) "Define parameters of program." DENIED.VOC (1.00 seconds) "Access denied." DO-UWISH.VOC (2.09 seconds) "Do you wish to input any commands?" EMERPOWR.VOC (2.75 seconds) "Emergency power engaged." IMPULSE.VOC (4.42 seconds) "Warning: impulse system overload. Autoshutdown in 12 seconds." TOM GARLAND, BRADENTON FL.