CMPQwk Beta Changes Version 1.40d - If CMPQwk finds a private routed RIME message, it will put an extra field in the reply header dialog filled in with the RIME address. It will then, like the Internet To line, insert the proper routing code in the first line of the message. - Fixed the GPF that happens when you answer no to the question "All the messages in this conference have been read, would you like to re-read them?" - The Use taglines are now sticky in the reply header dialog. It is stored in the CMPQWK.INI file under UseTaglines=Yes/No - The rubber stamp box now has a tab stop set for the list box. That should prevent keyboard users from having to grab the mouse. Also, the first tabstop is the list box, so there is no need to tab either. - There is a switch in the general options to turn off the confirmation messages throught CMPQwk. It is there to stop those annoying messages like "Spell check done". I've use it enough to say back every time "Who gives a rats ass, just save the darn message!". So, you can now disable them if you would like. - The color window will now come back when you click on a message in the index. - There was a GPF when you double clicked then file close radio button on a read window when it was maximized. It is fixed. - There was problems with the Options/Path configuration with both the tab order, and the "Other Packet" function. Those have both been fixed. - Went to dinner at the Rusty Pellican. - Watched what seemed like thousands of beta testers download version 'c' while I waited to use the phone - Watched Star Trek the New Generation (Yes it was another !@#$%^ repeat!) - Called my *real* boss to tell him that I was sick (yea right) - Typed this beta.txt file so everyone would know exactly what I have improved and/or fixed in CMPQwk. Version 1.40c - UnDeleting of messages was broke. It's fixed now. - Made spell checker load 2-10x faster. - Did some work on a rare GPF when closing a packet. - Search will not lock the buttons or the keyboard when it's done anymore. Version 1.40b - Fixed a nasty GPF when a conference was loaded, and there was a blank subject line. Version 1.40a - First Release