E d i t i n g t h e c h a t s c r i p t If you are reading this while setting up WinNET with the setup program, you will probably also want to refer to this file later when you edit your chat.rc file. The file you are reading is called CHAT.TXT and is installed along with WinNET to your \wnmail directory. What is the chat.rc file? The chat.rc file controls the log-in process between the time that your modem connects to the remote site to the time when the uucico (unix-to-unix-copy-in-copy-out) protocol starts up. (uucico is the basic mail/news transfer program that handles data transfer under uucp). A default chat.rc file is put in the directory where you installed WinNET by the setup program. The chat.rc that is created by default may not be adequate to actually log-in to your remote uucp site, so you'll have to modify it so that it is complete. When your modem connects and established a link/protocol with the remote site, the remote site will start sending various log-in prompts that your WinNET uucico module needs to respond to to successfully log-in. In the simplest type of log-in sequence, the remote site will spawn some type of banner with information about itself (such as the brand name of it's operating system and some sort of welcome message), and then emit the prompt login: After receiving input for login, the remote will typically then emit password: After receiving input for password, it will verify the inputs and, if they are correct, start up its own uucico and then mail / news transfer takes place. So, the chat.rc script is to control the scripting just of this simple log-in phase. However, in the 'real world', the log-in process can become more complicated. Many uucp provider sites have several layers of logging in. In most cases, you have to log-in in 2 steps; first, you have to log-in to a generic terminal server front end; after you get past the terminal server, you can then log-in pretty much as described above. The precise sequence is something that your uucp provider should be able to provide. Before Configuring your chat.rc File... It is almost always a good idea to fire up a terminal emulation program like Window's 'Terminal' or 'Procomm' to directly dial the telephone number of your uucp provider and try logging on to the remote system manually before trying to configure chat.rc. This exercise gives you a very clear idea of the behavior of the remote system, and also allows you to verify that the login name(s) and password(s) that your provider has given you are actually correct. Doing this may well save you hours of exasperation trying to configure your chat.rc file, particularly if you don't have the correct login/password information to begin with! For uucp, you can tell that you've successfully logged-in when you see the output: Shere=remote_name from the remote site, where 'remote_name' is the machine name of the remote system. When you get this far, it means that you've logged in completely, and the remote site has permitted you access to uucico. (You'll have to hang up your modem at this point though, unless you know how to manually enter the correct sequence to continue with uucico!) Now, lets look at how the chat.rc script works. The chat.rc script is designed to be able to do what you could do manually if you called your uucp provider with a terminal emulation program (like procomm or terminal for Windows) and visually looked for the various prompts and then typed in the proper inputs. In each case, you 'expect' to see a prompt and then 'send' (type) the correct response. The chat.rc file allows you the script these expect/send pairs for up to 15 levels. For each prompt that is expected, you create an entry in the chat.rc file. Each entry consists of 2 lines, and each entry is separated by a blank line. Here is the syntax format of an entry in chat.rc, followed by a realistic example: expect text send text ; example entry login: hullabaloo\n Let's break down each of the 2 lines in detail: 1. expect text This line shows the literal text of the prompt that is expected from the remote uucp site. In most cases, this will be case sensitive. Spaces are acceptable, but it is also fine just to use the last few characters of the prompt if you know that these characters will not be repeated in any of the other output from the remote. Our example expect text could usually be abbreviated as 'ogin:', for example. 2. send text This line lists the literal text of what our system should send to the remote as input for the prompt listed in the expect text line. This will also generally be case sensitive. It is also *crucial* to remember that the send text line will almost always have to end with the correct line termination character for the system you are connecting to (the equivelent of hitting the ENTER or RETURN key of your keyboard). For this purpose, there are several special characters that you can enter preceded by a backspace. These characters are not literal representations of the characters that will be emited to the remote site, but rather, placeholders or symbols that will be replaced when the program actually runs by the correct control characters. Presently, the following special characters are implemented: \n unix-style 'new line' character (ASCII 10) \r carriage return (ASCII 13) \\ backslash \b space character (you can enter a space directly, \b is just included to improve readability). \, pause one second AS A RULE OF THUMB, IF YOU ARE CONNECTING TO A UNIX SYSTEM, MAKE SURE TO TERMINATE EACH LINE OF THE SEND TEXT LINE WITH A \n IF THE SYSTEM YOU ARE CONNECTED TO IS *NOT* A UNIX SYSTEM, INSTEAD TERMINATE EACH LINE OF THE SEND TEXT LINE WITH A \r Intiating Output In some cases, when your modem connects to the remote site, the remote site will not emit its prompts until it has received some cuing or prompting from your system. In most cases where this is true, the remote will wait for one or more end of line characters from your system before emiting its first log-in prompt. (If you called with a terminal emulater, you'd have to hit the RETURN/ENTER key a few times before seeing any output from the remote site). This can be tricky, because the number of carriage returns and the interval of time between them can be unpredictable; it doesn't always work exactly the same way twice! (Sometimes you have to hit ENTER twice, sometimes three or four times). To initiate unprompted output the chat.rc file provides a special statement called the "INITIATE" statement. The syntax is: INITIATE send text The send text line of the INITIATE statement can be whatever you like, but in most situations where you would want to use an INITIATE statement, it will be something like \,\n\,\n\,\n\,\n which indicates pause-newline-pause-newline-pause-newline, pause-newline, a sequence that will sufficiently 'cue' most terminal servers. Comments You can put comments at the TOP of your chat.rc file. Once the script proper begins, NO comments are allowed. If you wish to put a comment(s) at the top of the script, put a semi-colon charater in column one of each line that you intend as a comment. It is also OK to use blank lines in the chat.rc (with or without comment semi-colons), up to the point where the script actually begins -- BUT, once the script begins, blank lines are syntactially significant, indicating the end of an entry, so make sure that your entries are separated by just 1 blank line once the script begins. A Complete Sample chat.rc ; sample chat.rc ; the \,\r\, in the INITIATE statement indicates that ; the communications program should initiate the login ; process by pausing one second, issuing a carriage return ; character (ascii 13) and pausing again for one second. INITIATE \,\r\, name: baxter\n word: 7UpGirl\n ogin: cyborg\n word: Ten.PM\n