README.TXT The PC Internet Tour Guide Copyright 1994 by Michael Fraase. 11/15/93 Thank you for your purchase of The PC Internet Tour Guide Disk. IMPORTANT: READ THIS ENTIRE DOCUMENT BEFORE USING THIS DISK. ABOUT THE FILES ON THIS DISK Michael Fraase Copyright 1994 Michael Fraase/Arts & Farces. All Rights Reserved. Chances are you're a typical PC user and just because this file is labelled "ReadMe.txt" doesn't mean much. That's okay, I never read these either. This disk contains the following four files: * INSTALL.TXT Installation and release notes for Minuet and UMSLIP from the University of Minnesota. * MINUARC.EXE A self-extracting archive containing the University of Minnesota's Minuet software for navigating the Internet. * SLIPARC.EXE A self-extracting archive containing the University of Minnesota's UMSLIP software for establishing a SLIP connection (via a SLIP server) to the Internet. * README.TXT The text file you're reading now. HOW TO INSTALL THE SOFTWARE The software program files--MINUARC.EXE and SLIPARC.EXE--are self-extracting archives. Use these steps to install them. NOTE: This installation procedure assumes you're installing to your C: hard drive from the floppy drive A:. If this is not the case, change the drive and pathnames accordingly for your configuration. INSTALLING MINUET 1. At the command prompt, type "mkdir c:\minuet" (without the quote marks) and press Enter. The \MINUET\ directory will be created. 2. At the command prompt, type "copy a:\minuarc.exe c:\minuet\minuarc.exe" and press Enter. The Minuet archive will be copied to the \MINUET\ directory on your hard drive. 3. At the command prompt, type "cd\c:\minuet" and press Enter. The current directory will change to the \MINUET\ directory. 4. At the command prompt, type "minuarc" and press Enter. The Minuet software will be extracted within the \MINUET\ directory. 5. Optionally, at the command prompt, type "del c:\minuet\minuarc.exe" and press Enter. The self-extracting Minuet archive will be deleted from your hard drive. INSTALLING UMSLIP 1. At the command prompt, type "mkdir c:\slip" (without the quote marks) and press Enter. The \SLIP\ directory will be created. 2. At the command prompt, type "copy a:\sliparc.exe c:\slip\sliparc.exe" and press Enter. The UMSLIP archive will be copied to the \SLIP\ directory on your hard drive. 3. At the command prompt, type "cd\c:\slip" and press Enter. The current directory will change to the \SLIP\ directory. 4. At the command prompt, type "sliparc" and press Enter. The UMSLIP software will be extracted within the \SLIP\ directory. 5. Optionally, at the command prompt, type "del c:\slip\sliparc.exe" and press Enter. The self-extracting UMSLIP archive will be deleted from your hard drive. MODIFYING YOUR AUTOEXEC.BAT FILE 1. Add the \MINUET\ directory to the appropriate PATH statement in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file (e.g., PATH = C:\MINUET). 2. Add the \SLIP\ directory to the appropriate PATH statement in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file (e.g., PATH = C:\SLIP). IMPORTANT NOTES UMSLIP and Minuet are shareware programs and are provided with The PC Internet Tour Guide for evaluation purposes only. If you continue to use the software after the evaluation period, you are required to purchase a license from the Regents of the University of Minnesota. University of Minnesota Computer and Information Services 152 Shepherd Laboratory 100 Union Street SE Minneapolis, MN 55455 612/624-8865 612/625-6817 (Fax) ****** LICENSE, DISCLAIMER AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY ****** This diskette is offered without support other than this INSTALL.TXT file, and a file called README.TXT. The publisher and author assume no responsibility for the suitability of the programs contained in the disk. Programs on this diskette are intended only for your personal use and may not be duplicated or used for resale. All copyright and disclaimers which apply to "The PC Internet Tour Guide" also apply to the "The PC Internet Tour Guide Disk". Ventana Press is committed to providing quality books and software on the Internet and related subjects. If we can be of additional service, please contact us at: Ventana Press P.O. Box 2468 Chapel Hill, NC 27515 Tel: 919-942-0220 OR Michael Fraase