Customized Installations and Troubleshooting ============================================ This file contains information for users who would like to know more about the way ISYS installs itself. User-level information is provided in the ReadMe file that installs as a program manager icon. 1. DOS & Windows versions ------------------------- If you plan to run both versions of ISYS, we would recommend that you install both versions in the one directory, as they are designed to work together that way. You can, however, install them in seperate directories if you choose. 2. Common Problem ----------------- A common problem that prevents ISYS from running correctly is having older versions of critical VBX or DLL files that already exist in your Windows directory. ISYS installs, at Microsoft's recommendation, its VBXs and DLLs into the Windows System directory. If you find that ISYS behaves unpredictably or strange error messages appear, check your Windows directory for any VBX or DLL files that also appear in your Windows\System directory. If any such duplication exists, delete or rename the copies that reside in your Windows directory. This should not affect any existing software, as VBX files tend to be upwards and downwards compatible. A program, VBXDUPE.EXE, has been provided on the original install disk that will scan your Windows and Windows\System directories, as well as all the directories on your PATH for duplicate DLLs or VBXs. 3. Installed Files ------------------ ISYS installs files into two different locations. In your ISYS product directory, it will place: IQW.EXE The query program IDBW.EXE The utilities/maintenance program ISYSREAD.ME Additional documentation ISYSWORD.DOT Word for Windows macro ISYS.CWD Default common word list ISYS.KEY Licensing information In the Windows System directory, it will place the files: ISYSDLL.DLL The ISYS retrieval engine VBRUN200.DLL Microsoft VB runtime DLL IMVB1.VBX IMGBMP.DIL IMGGIF.DIL IMGPCX.DIL IMGTIFF.DIL IMGWMF.DIL IMGEPSF.DIL IMGTGA.DIL CMDIAGLOG.VBX INSTSCRL.VBX SPIN.VBX THREED.VBX SS3D2.VBX SS3D3.VBX MHTR200.VBX MHIT200.VBX MH3B200.VBX MHCM200.VBX MHRUN200.DLL BIGBAR.VBX CSFORM.VBX You may, if you choose, relocate these files to another directory following installation. 4. Troubleshooting the Install ------------------------------ If the SETUP program does not perform as you require due to the configuration of Windows or your network, you may install the software manually. This is done by using the EXPAND program shipped with Windows 3.1 to manually copy and decompress the files VBRUN200.DLL, SETUPKIT.DLL and SETUP1.EXE from the install disk. You can then run SETUP1 directly to complete the installation process. Installation problems often occur if users have two conflicting versions of LZEXPAND.DLL or VER.DLL in their Windows and Windows\System directories. Usually, removing the older duplicate will eliminate the problem.