Interpersonal relationships simply mean any and all interactions between people. You develop interpersonal relationships with everyone you know. Some are deep and lasting, and some are only casual. But to some degree, you react to others; and they react to you. Friendship is a good example of an interpersonal relationship that is satisfactory to two people. Much of the satisfaction that you derive from life is due to the quality of relationships that you develop with others around you. The ability to react with others in a positive manner will enhance your view of the world and the people in it. Good relationships with others begin with your own personality and attitudes. If you are a warm and accepting person with positive attitudes, others will respond in the same way. If you walk down the street and someone smiles at you, without thinking, your reaction is to smile back. Most human relationships are like this. In most cases good relationships do not just happen. They must be carefully nurtured to grow into the lasting, satisfying relationships that most people are seeking. You must be sensitive and aware of the needs of other individuals. To create a good relationship, you must display patience and tactfulness. Sometimes just quietly listening to another will open the lines of communication. Good interpersonal relationships with those around you help you to be more effective in every aspect of your life. You are the only one that can change the way you feel about life. You are the only one that is in control of your destiny. Your life is a mirror of the way you feel about others. If you interact well with others, they in turn will interact well with you.