=========================================================================== BBS: The GWE BBS [ASV] [CIN] Date: 12-13-92 (12:46) Number: 77 From: BEAR #1 @7171*1 Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: YES Subj: Mebbe.... Conf: (37) Home Cooki --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I haven't made Kahlua, but I've used this recipe for several other liquers & it works pretty well. You can use any base booz you like instead of the bourbon, and any flavor ingredient instead of berries, like drip coffee grounds. 1 fifth Bourbon 3 cups sugar 1 quart of berries (whatever you like) put it all in a 2 quart jar, NO Mixing - just let it all dissolve on it's own. Screw the cap on tight ( it won't ferment so it won't burst), and set it aside for at least 3 weeks. Strain through a cheesecloth. Bottle it up in some fancy glassware & it's all done! If you used Berries, save them by freezing, and serve them over some icecream - adds a great flavor! Hope this helps