=========================================================================== BBS: The GWE BBS [ASV] [CIN] Date: 01-23-27 (29 19) Number: 84 From: JOHN #93 @4902*2 Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: YES Subj: Fajitas Conf: (37) Home Cooki --------------------------------------------------------------------------- JUANITO'S AMAZING TEX-MEX FAJITAS Here's how to make some great fajitas. They're best on the grill, but can be done in a big iron skillet. The measurements are not exact, so feel free to experiment with your own variations. And it's cheap too. Ingrediantes: - 1 or 2 pounds of round steak or skirt steak - a bunch of worchestershire sauce (buy the big jug) - a bunch of soy sauce (institutional size here too) - 3 or 4 bell peppers (both red & green for color!) - 3 or 4 yellow onions - 1 teaspoon of cumin (or comino in sp., same thing) - 12 to 24 flour tortillas Cut your steak into thin slices (approx. 1/2 - 1/4 inch) and however long you want. It's best to cut the meat across the grain. Slice the onions and bell peppers into thin slices like the meat (similar to what chinese stir fry veggies look like). Fill a medium sized bowl about 1/2 way with a half 'n half mix of soy sauce and worchestershire sauce. Mix in the comino and some salt and pepper. Put the sliced steak in this bowl and soak it for 15 min. to overnight. (THE COMINO/CUMIN IS IMPORTANT.) If you're gonna grill, cover your grill with foil and make like a tray of it by folding up the edges of the foil (this will hold in the juice). Lightly bounce a fork (tines down) around on the foil to make a few tiny holes for the juices to slowly drip through to the coals. Get your grill (or pan) pretty hot and throw the peppers and onions on the foil and cook 'em until they get soft and the onions begin to turn darker. Periodically pour on some of the marinate to keep the veggies moist. At this point throw in the meat AND THE MANINATE and cook it until done (not too done though!) Wrap this in the tortillas with some lettuce, tomatos, cheeze, sour cream, guac, or whatever, and chow.