=========================================================================== BBS: The GWE BBS [ASV] [CIN] Date: 02-13-93 (12:42) Number: 107 From: VIDEO #92 @6293*1 Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: YES Subj: Southern Cooking Conf: (37) Home Cooki --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I guess I should start ith the most popular southern dish, gumbo. First thing is to make the roux (roo). "Gumbo" (from a southern book I have) comes from the African "kingombo" or "ngombo" meaning okra, used to thicken the dish. I personally dislike okra in gumbo. Louisiana's Choctaw Indians discovered using file` for that same purpose. You can put just about anything you want in gumbo. The recipes are endless. ROUX There are several different methods. One way is equal parts flour and just about any type of fat, cooked very slowly in a heavy pot (important). You stir constantly till it's a dark brown, but watch that it doesn't burn. Chopped veggies are quickly added to arrest the browning. The liquid, hot or cold, next. Another way is to use less fat. You can also place 2 parts flour to 1 part fat in a flat pan and cook in a preheated 275 oven until caramel color, about 2 hours, stirring 4 times during cooking. When cool, prop the pan for the fat to drain for skimming off. Fat-free roux: Put 1 inch of flour in a cast iron skillet in a 400 degree oven until dark brown, stirring occasionally with a wooden spoon. Roux may be made ahead and refrigerated or frozen, tightly covered, for long periods of time. There are also very good roux mixes on the market, though I don't know if they're available up here. One is Savoie's (Savwa) in a jar. Another is Mama Papaul's, dry in a bag. All you do with these is stir them into the water. When you're ready, add chopped onions, garlic(lots of everything), finely chopped parsely,chopped bell pepper(optional),chopped celery(optional), salt, pepper, cayenne pepper, and some sort of meat or seafood. I personally love smoked pork sausage and chicken gumbo, but there's no good sausage up here. Just doesn't taste the same without it. Seafood gumbo is great with shrimp, crab meat, and oysters. Oh, and pour in plenty of water to make a dark souplike consistency. Slowly boil for about 2 hours. In the last 15 minutes add chopped green onions. When done, remove from fire and add file`, but not much, too much will make it slimy. Serve over hot rice in large bowls. For the seafood gumbo, add the shrimp and crab meat in the last 20 minutes, and the oysters in the last 15 minutes. Mmmmm, good! Oh, and it freezes really well too.