=========================================================================== BBS: The GWE BBS [ASV/CIN] Date: 04-10-31 (32 19) Number: 386 From: ZOGAN #188 @5465*3 Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: YES Subj: Salt Rising Bread Conf: (37) Home Cooki --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RE: Salt Rising Bread BY: Bif #24 @1214010 VirtualNET Thru Gateway #2 @16450 Hi Bif...if what I remember is correct....salt rising bread is an old recipe  that used to incorpporate ammonium salts as a levening agent rather than  yeast. I do have a recipe for Irish Soda Bread.... Irish Soda Bread 1 tblspn butter, softened 4 cups all-purpose flour 1 tsp baking soda 1 tsp salt 1 to 1 & 1/2 cup buttermilk Preheat oven to 425 F. With pastry brush, coat baking sheet with butter. Sift the flour, salt, & soda together into deep mixing bowl. Gradually add 1  cup of the buttermilk, beating constantly with large wooden spoon. until it  can be gathered into a ball. If dough is crumbly, add up to another 1/2 cup  buttermilk by the tablespoonful until the particles adhere. Place dough on lightly floured board & pat & shape it into a flat circular  loaf about 8" in diameter & 1 & 1/2" thick. Set loaf onto baking sheet. Then  with a sharp knife cut with the knifetip a 1/2" deep X shape into the dough,  semi-dividing it into quarters. Bake in middle of oven for about 45 minues or till golden brown. Serve at  once. You can probably use Pam instead of the butter. This loaf was traditionally made in a small covered circular iron pot like  thhe early setters had whereby hot ashes & coals were heaped around the  chauldron & on the lid. You can approximate this by using a Corning Ware  circular casserole but leave the lid off. & If you use a corning or pyrex  glass casserole you'll probably have to bake it at 400-405 degrees F as glass  holds the heat & your bread would have a burnt bottom if you don't watch the  cooking process. Regards, Zogan...