=========================================================================== BBS: The GWE BBS [ASV/CIN] Date: 04-09-93 (07:53) Number: 384 From: RAINBOW #1 @6296*1 Refer#: NONE To: MAC SAUM #1 @1803007*1 Recvd: YES Subj: Strawberry Shortcake Conf: (37) Home Cooki --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Re: Strawberry Shortcake > Ok... I don't want to appear dumb, but if I buy the little cakes to make > strawberry shortcake, whipped cream, and strawberries, what the heck do I do > to the strawberries to make that GOOD juice that gets down into the little > cakes. I believe if you just sprinkle your strawberries with sugar and spray with a bit of water... (or better, yet, cut the strawberries into bite sizes or just in half if they are small, but still sprinkle with sugar) the juice will happen for you.... you don't need a lot of water... just a bit of moisture... let them sit in the fridge over night or for a few hours if you're getting impatient for them.... you should see a nice, almost thick juice in with the strawberries. /RAINBOW\