=========================================================================== BBS: The GWE BBS [ASV/CIN] Date: 05-09-29 (10 19) Number: 400 From: JAYBEE #164 @15490*3 Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: YES Subj: Something Wicked This Way Conf: (37) Home Cooki --------------------------------------------------------------------------- All: I have been a long-time appreciator of fine hamburgers, as is anyone, but I am tired of the same old fried job. So I have been experimenting in the past, and I believe I have been inspired. If you like burgers, try this: - extra-lean beef - stew powder preparation - cream cheese - green onions - garlic - mushrooms - onions - fresh keiser or similar rolls. In a bowl melt about a teaspoon of cream cheese for each burger. Chop some green onions and mix with the cheese, with a touch of garlic to taste. Prepare two very thin patties for every burger. Dab a thin layer of melted cream cheese preparation onto a patty, cover with the other one, and pinch the sides. Prepare the stew mixture in a frying pan. Add the mushrooms and additional seasonings if necessary (envelope stew mix can be boring; I usually add fine herbs and peppercorns). Put in the patties, and simmer on low heat until well done (at least 30 min). Serve in the keiser buns with onions and the mushrooms. If you like it hot, use red onions. By cooking it this way you can use very lean meat without oil or butter, and it won't be dry. The meat cooks evenly and takes on the rich taste of the gravy mixture. Of course, no one said you can't cook regular burgers this way too. Let me know what you think.