=========================================================================== BBS: The GWE BBS [ASV/CIN] Date: 05-16-00 (55 19) Number: 396 From: -=<< DOC >>=- #6 @8400*2 Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: YES Subj: Hot meat-loaf sandwiches Conf: (37) Home Cooki --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RE: Meatloaf Sandwich BY: John Grimes #1 @1214000 VirtualNET Thru Gateway #2 @6460 Pop slice in the microwave and put it on a hoagie roll...it is yummy...especially with this meatloaf recipe: Sweet and sour meatloaf: 1 can (8 oz) tomato sauce 1/4 cup brown sugar 1 tsp mustard 2 lbs lean ground beef 1 cup sliced mushrooms 1 egg, slightly beaten 1/4 cup minced onion 1/4 cup crushed crackers (crumbs) 1 tsp salt 1/4 tsp pepper Combine first 4 ingredients to make sauce. Combine remaining ingredients in a large bowl and knead together with your hands. Add 1/2 the sauce mixture. Put in loaf pan (large) and pour remaining sauce on top. Bake at 400 degrees for 45-50 minutes. Serves 6. (originally from Fred the Chef and the best meatloaf I ever tried.) -=<< DOC >>=- ...first, do no harm...