=========================================================================== BBS: The GWE BBS [ASV/CIN] Date: 06-10-24 (43 19) Number: 392 From: FERRET #119 @15901*3 Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: YES Subj: To charles Knowlton, RE: Conf: (37) Home Cooki --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RE: Cole slaw... BY: ''Meave'' WWIVnet #2 AT 9250 I've seen a LOT of interesting suggestions on coleslaw variations. Didn't know there WERE that many kinds of coleslaw. But, I thought I'd add my 2 cents worth, and if it helps you great! If not, well, I tried. KFC uses (besides cabbage obviously) shredded carrots and I think onions in their coleslaw. Once I definitely tasted bell peppers in their slaw. I HATE bell peppers, so this was not what "I" liked. But you may like them, and that may be the tangy taste you are looking for. The way I make MY coleslaw I learned from working in a small-town cafe. Just plain cabbage (a little red cabbage for olor if you like - tase is the same pretty much) shredded carrots if you like (not necessary) and mayo. Then drain the juice off one can of crushed pineapple (or pineapple tidbits - don't want the pieces TOO large) and stir it into the slaw. Chopped walnuts may be added for texture. If you don't have any canned pineapple, chopped (minced?) granny smith apple will work also, but not as well. Makes for a nice variation. All this talk about coleslaw is making me hungry! -Ferret 8 These tracks lead to Tiki's Express ננננננננ are you on the right track? 7 Tiki's Express BBS--[ (509) 624-2480 ]--Spokane, WA