=========================================================================== BBS: The GWE BBS [ASV/CIN] Date: 07-20-33 (31 19) Number: 383 From: MACHAIRA #20 @5298*6 Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: YES Subj: a solution to the dinner Conf: (37) Home Cooki --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RE: Help make a dinner into an unforgettable night!! BY: ``The Keeper`` WWIVnet #1 AT 8424 mix up some biscuit dough, press it into an olive oiled, floured pan, bake it at 350 for about 5 mins, add tomato sauce (pref homemade) and add sliced onion, sliced olives, chopped fresh tomatoes, fresh chopped garlic, sprinkle liberally with dried or chopped fresh basil, sprinkle generous amounts of grated parmesan cheese, drizzle with olive oil, and bake about 20 mins at 350 or so. For desert I'd suggest fresh ripe mango blended with vanilla yogurt and chilled... perhaps garnish with grated orange peel, cherry, nuts, and such, but I think this would be gilding the lily... machaira 8試試試 The Vanishing Tower Ice/WWIV @5298 Elite @5120 試試試試試試試試試試 7埲埲埲 512/454-4294 Link @25298 24hrs Austin TX 埲埲埲埲埲埲埲埲埲埲