=========================================================================== BBS: The GWE BBS [ASV/CIN] Date: 07-21-93 (11:42) Number: 382 From: MAC #1 @1707003*1 Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: YES Subj: A simple but delicious me Conf: (37) Home Cooki --------------------------------------------------------------------------- All I have is a simple but deleicious meal to contribute. It can be used as a quick fix meal - I used to eat it for breakfast all of the time. You can add whatever you like to it. Where it comes from - my mom is German. It comes from there. --- Fried macaroni ---- All you need to do is grab left over macaroni (spagetti will work too) from the refrigerator. (In Germany I guess they even boiled a batch of it so they have some to fry later. Add some oil to the frying pan (A tablespoon or to your taste). I used to use lard years ago, because it adds a the nicest flavor, but any shortening or vegetable oil will do (I use vegetable oil nowadays). Just heat up the pan, add the refrigerated macaroni, & cook it to your liking - the best is a golden cripspness to some of the macaroni. Add salt. We used to always add an egg or two when the macaroni was done - just throw it in there right on top & mix it in until the egg(s) is cooked. (While it is delecious by itself or with egg & recommended, you can cut up anything - small pieces of a hot dog (brown too), zucinni, bell pepper, left over meats, etc..) Remember that the macaroni or spagetti must be cooled first - don't use it until after refrigerated, or else it won't brown, & will be soggy & soak up oil. ¯ÄÄ> VBBS v6.1A Vnet @1707003 Overdrive BBS 707-459-9511 Willits, Ca <ÄÄ®