=========================================================================== BBS: The GWE BBS [ASV/CIN] Date: 07-16-93 (18:31) Number: 415 From: DAVID M. VON BEHREN #25 @ Refer#: NONE To: BOOM BOOM #145 @1609012*1 Recvd: YES Subj: Brother can you spare a z Conf: (37) Home Cooki --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Re: Zuccinni Bread recipe No recipes for zucchini bread, per se, but some other ideas: Zucchini Salad: Steam the zucchini for a couple minutes to take of the heavy crunchiness. Let cool, then slice into large matchsticks. Toss with onions, celery, tomatoes or other favorite bunny food and dress with any viniagrette. Alittle garlic powder is good, and so is either rosemary or coriander. It can also be sliced and sauteed with garlic and rosemary. Of course, you could put a bag of them on your neighbor's steps, ring the bell and run away, but only as a last resort. The VORTEX (404) 971-7730 Files/Messages/GIFs 14.4 V.32bis/V42bis Georgia 0 0Via: 1404008*1 1404000*1 6160*1 1614017*1