=========================================================================== BBS: The GWE BBS [ASV/CIN] Date: 08-10-27 (02 19) Number: 383 From: BEAKER #4 @6710*6 Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: YES Subj: *DROOL*! Conf: (37) Home Cooki --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Response To: ``THOTH`` WWIVNET #3 AT 5 `W#A5> Every recipe I see here makes me feel hungrier... so I'm looking for `W#A5>to some of the possibilities that you folks'll brew up for this request: `W#A5> I'm looking for some good gaspatcho recipes. With the weather being `W#A5>these days, too hot to bring warm meeals to work, a nice cold gaspatcho'd `W#A5>really hit the spot... `W#A5>Thoth `W#A5>Mighty Wrestling Sig-Op of the Savage Land! I used to make gazpacho by the pail full, and the funny thing is that there is a million recipes for it, my version is pretty standard but it isn't to bad, actually, its pretty damned good. but here it is: BTW/ Tis is a variation of a recipe i found in the profesional cooking cookbook. its pretty close but i made some changes to suite my taste. 2 1/2 lb. Tomatoes peeeled , and chopped 1 lb. Cucumbers, peeled and chopped fine 8 oz onions, peeled adn chopped fine 4 oz Green peppers, seeded and chopped fine 1/2 tsp crushed garlic 1 pt tomato juice 1 qt crushed tomatoes 3 oz balsamic vinegar 4 oz olive oil 3 tablesp ground cumin 3 tblsp ground coriander salt, pepper, cayenne or red pepper sauce, and vinegar to taste blend all ingredients , in a blender and let chill. if you don't have a blender you can run all of the ingredients through a seive and get pretty much the same results. and you can garnish with chopped onion , cucumber, and green pepper. and even a little sour cream dolloped on a bowl with a little fresh pasiley or coriander is good, i hope you like it. **beaker** a.k.a. ***Thunderheart*** --- þ SLMR 2.1a þ My reality check just bounced. WWIVMail/QWK 4.4 [EVALUATION COPY]: ANOTHER BBS - @6710 ON ICEnet