=========================================================================== BBS: The GWE BBS [ASV/CIN] Date: 08-10-22 (11 19) Number: 401 From: STRANGE BREW #1 @18250*3 Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: YES Subj: I... Conf: (37) Home Cooki --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RE: Ground turkey hints BY: ``Crystal Wizard`` WWIVnet #1 AT 5295 ¯I use ground turkey all the time, and if you add some poltury seasoning and ¯some salt (yes salt, the turkey meat needs the flavor enhancer) its fantastic ¯in lasagna or as a hamburger or whatever. Ground chicken though is nasty no ¯matter what I do to it. ...have this stuff called Natural Beef Flavor Seasoning Mix for Poultry. It is made by Modern Magic Meals, and is distributed by Amway. When you open the container and smell it, it almost knocks you off your feet, and you swear you will NEVER put it in something you intend to eat. BUT I finally got up the nerve to try it, and the stuff actually works. I've tried it in ground chicken and ground turkey, and it made both of them pass for hamburger. Later Daze, -Strange Brew Sysop of SpellSinger II