=========================================================================== BBS: The GWE BBS [ASV/CIN] Date: 08-31-93 (22:54) Number: 389 From: FLUFF #7 @6061*1 Refer#: NONE To: POOH BEAR #3 @1609022*1 Recvd: YES Subj: noodles Conf: (37) Home Cooki --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Re: noodles > I just got a pasta maker. I have a recipe for egg noodles. Does anyone have > any great sauce recipes or any recipes for other types of noodles?? here is an easy recipe for what my dad calls lead sinkers, we call it kaneffla I am not sure it is spelled right but I gave it my best shot. Anyway, all you need is one egg and flour and a tablespoon or two of water. First you mix ingedeants into a paste like substance Second you place a large pan of water to boil After water comes to a boil take a spoon and drop small chunks of mixture into the boiling water. When mixture has cooked remove and rinse with running water You should come up with little balls of dough this makes a perfect side dish for a pork loin meal. What I like to do is to drown it in pork gravy and sprinkle shreaded swiss cheese over the top of it. Of course you can use and type of gravy you want and it is also good with just butter. As far as sauce recipes I go by my mood. Go figure... Fluff "Freud's Nemesis" Via: 6061*1 1919194*1 9198*1 1616001*1 2*1 6160*1 1614017*1